So this past weekend, we were driving on the highway into downtown Montreal and as usual, lots and lots of those orange cones because construction is well, a way of life in our city.
Actually, we think we’re the construction kings (loosely) because it’s ongoing, never seems to be done right etc.
Anyway, Kelly looked at the mounds of dirt and began to comment on how the weeds were growing in abundance….. and to think that it wasn’t all that long ago that the tons of dirt that were brought in were just dirt.
Except that there the seeds of those weeds that were mixed in with all the dirt and over time, sun and rain did their job of fertilizing the ground and now we have these crazy mounts of weed growth…
It made me think that we all have seeds of many kinds in our life and someday, those same seeds will begin to come to fertilization and what will they look like?
Some, by our actions or lack thereof will be aborted and/or maybe a person, a circumstance will seem to want to cut off or kill what’s inside of us.
I believe now more than ever before, our community, society, world needs men or women who are growing good seeds that will be of benefit not only for ourselves but for our world.
It is amazing how weeds grow and sometimes grow faster than we can cut them. Have you ever noticed how sometimes, the weeds seem to want to choke out the grass on our lawns?
Even when we buy the chemicals or spray that will be the “thing” to deal with the weeds, some of them are stubborn as all get out.
So then, it’s pretty clear watching and looking at nature that we, more than even nature are growing or beginning stagnating processes all the time and it really does matter how we cultivate the seeds inside of us.
We more than even nature are growing or beginning stagnating processes all the time and it really does matter how we cultivate the seeds inside of us.
It’s not just our gifting’s but our attitudes, behaviors, what we say and do because it really does matter!!!
I started thinking about some seeds and weeds thoughts and how do I match up so here are a few…
Loving vs Hater
Charitable vs Vindictive
Peaceful vs Disordered
Forgiving vs Unforgiving
Merciful vs Hard Hearted
Kind vs Cruel
Self-Serving vs Selfish
Humble vs Arrogant
I also think that the analogy of clearing weeds is good because if I feel like I ‘m lacking, then I can clear some weeds from the inside out so the seeds inside me can properly grow to help me.
I can strive to become more complete although we’ll never be complete this side of heaven but we can give and exert effort to want to and try to grow ourselves right.
As I was driving through the same stretch of highway this week and looking at the huge mountains of dirt that had so many weeds, I couldn’t help but think how easy it is to allow issues, attitudes that aren’t helpful to me or to anyone else grow and stifle the good.
It’s up to me/us to continually pull out the weeds and nurture the healthy seeds inside of us!!!
The seed in the ground may not be seen because the earth is covering that seed but it’s growing nonetheless. We can do that as well; not always easy to do when the emotions roll in but it can be done for our benefit.
So about that pile of dirt..