So I’m stuck on this word grateful. It is uncanny how this Christmas season brings out the worst in people.
In a store this week and a lady was complaining about the many bags she had to carry around. The people she was buying gifts for.
Another lady said that it was a pain to wrap a gift so she decided that a bag was better because Christmas is a hassle.
I was in Starbucks and the guy in front of me was upset because they didn’t hit him up with a shot of Expresso (easy fix but he lost it)
Students who, have multiple gaming units and are not sure they’ll get the new game they want even though they have games they’ll never play again but won’t be happy if they don’t get it....
The guy who has an amazing sports car but isn’t satisfied so this coming year, he’s trading it in for the next best thing. The new car has 2 more things than his present car. Well, that’ll change your life now wouldn’t it?
But I think it’s important to be grateful because life is measured in the moments we live and there are so many who wish and wished they could enjoy this season but can’t.
But I think it’s important to be grateful because life is measured in the moments we live and there are so many who wish and wished they could enjoy this season but can’t.
From the one who has lost a loved one, a relationship broken, little or no money and surviving and existing is a big deal.
The families that will not be able to enjoy a Christmas meal unless a lifeline is thrown their way.
The families that will not be able to enjoy a Christmas meal unless a lifeline is thrown their way.
Those whose minds are so troubled that they can’t think straight and the list goes on.
So, maybe it’s time to be grateful. As Paul said in the book of Philippians and I paraphrase; that whether with much or little, he learned to be content. Can we learn to be grateful and see some sunshine even when there are clouds?
Yes, there are rough moments and they do come but sometimes, if we stop and take a good look, we have something to be grateful for.
Because we can have the bags with the purchases we made; be grateful!
We have the ability to wrap a gift; be grateful!

We can buy a coffee; at least we have what many only dream of! Be grateful!
Do we really need another gaming unit; better yet, why not give one away to an agency who helps families; Be grateful!
Will that car change our life? Maybe donate our time and part with some of our money to help someone(s) who has little or nothing and they could use us to ease to the weights they carry in their lives.... Because 2 more gadgets will not change our lives.. Be Grateful!!!
I'll never forget my dad saying to us often, "Son, I grumbled that I had no shoes until I met the person with no feet"
That has stayed with me and I cannot shake it and even though I've blown it at times, I try to live by that code to be grateful!
If indeed it's the most wonderful time of the year, why not show it in action, deed and attitude? Our World needs more of it!
Be Grateful!!
