Motivational Monday continues where Forward Friday’s Time To Cancel Culture left off.
It is one thing to see the likes of those (including companies) who have committed crimes and they called to account for their wrongdoings lose their influence and ability to produce based on those offences.
It is quite another thing to see companies be boycotted, people slammed, shamed, fired, demoted, dismissed all because they have and expressed a different view point than others.
As the heading says and it bears repeating, Maybe it’s time to “Cancel” “Cancel Culture”….
Hopefully, we can remember to have grace when we do disagree on matters big and/or small.
It would do us all good to remember that just because we have opinions does not preclude that we are always right and have some sort of moral ground to “Cancel”, “Shame”, “Dismiss”, “De-Friend” because others do not agree with our position on things.
Dr. Thomas Sowell is an American Economist and Theorist who is a prolific writer, thinker and I have included a few of his powerful quotes and thoughts which I hope will give us something to think about this week as we connect and interact with others.
Our society needs more sober minded, thinking citizens if we are going to "not" knee jerk our way through the moments, issues and people we don’t agree with.
In this time where emotions and quick tempers seems to rule actions, we can be different. We just need to be.
Some Uncomfortable Things To Consider...
So if someone says or does something obviously wrong, is it not possible to keep a position of restoration?
If we “Cancel”, “Shame”, “Dismiss”, “De-Friend” someone that we do not agree with or have a hard time understanding why they think like they think, then it must mean that we tacitly are saying that their hearts and minds can never change.
If someone doesn’t think exactly like us and we immediately dismiss them as wrong forever and irredeemable, well, then our world is now a hopeless place to live in don’t you think?
If we don’t make space for turn around, forgiveness, new beginnings, we’re bound to find that we can cancel most anyone for one reason or another.
And the crazy thing is that none of us are without some sort of tarnish, stain, fault, imperfection of our own.
The spirit or so it seems of “cancel culture” is this kind of self-righteous, high ground morality that puffs itself up against ideas, thoughts, beliefs that go against our thinking. If the day is spent shaming those who do wrong, the end game is not renewal; it's for cementing division.
Dad would say that you could get more with sugar than a lemon and in the case of cancel culture, there are basket loads of lemons that are being used and it is not a stretch to understand why there has been a push back on the daily, seemingly ruthless “Cancelling” of people just because that person does not agree.
It’s a sad commentary on the state of our society.
It might be time to take out the bag of sugar and begin having the goal of civil and respectful discourse. We may not win over our hearers but I bet you there will be a respect level that comes with sugar then sour juice.
And guilting and shaming have always been and will always be ineffective methods to motivate true change in the first place.
We could even be right in principle, but wrong in attitude and in spirit. To be kind even in the scope of disagreement is to be holy.
I know I am forgiven daily and get restored when I ask for it each and every time I fail. It stands to reason that to offer that same grace, especially during these shaky, tumultuous times makes more sense to me.
We could be next……
I’m trying to be more considerate; how about you? The unraveling in our corners can stop with us and constructive, real and normal connections can begin with us!
What will we do?
Maybe this is the week…..
#MotivationalMonday #CancelCulture ##NoMoreShaming #ThomasSowell #ArtfulPrudentSensibleWithOurWords #BewareMaliceMeannessCallousness #Blog #Speaker #LookInTheMirror #StopTheToxicBehavior #