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Catalyst Change #1: Complaining... A Word Fast Is As Good As A Food Fast.. Forward Friday Is Here..

Writer's picture: MillsmanMillsman

We`re walking into 2020 and it seems like time not only marches on, it seems to be moving at a break neck pace.

And with that comes change. But what kind of change? Most people have good intentions; we want the best for our lives and those we know but the reality is, unless there are some strategic adjustments to how we do things, then change may be nominal or we just coast along doing what we've been always doing.

I believe that deep in the soul of most people is the desire to be a catalyst. I love words and their meanings matter because words indeed matter.

What I desire about wanting to be a catalyst could be this: The one whose talk, enthusiasm, or energy causes others to be more kind, enthusiastic, energetic, forward thinking and/or that they are also catalysts at the forefront of change.

I believe that deep in the soul of most people is the desire to be some sort of positive a catalyst.

But there are always some roadblocks or detours that can delay what can be and we not only need to be aware of the detours etc but to actively work to lessen their effect in our lives by living in such a way that good most naturally comes out of us.

So, a Word Fast. Some of the biggest negative issues people face are because of the things we do but often it starts with what we say and for this Forward Friday, we begin with Complaining.

Oh, complaining; most understand the power of spoken words, but at times, it is uncharted territory for us to consider the power of fasting words, or not speaking specific words.

How could this be so powerful?

"We all err in many ways. But if any man or woman does not err in word, he/she is a perfect man and able also to control the whole body" Wise thoughts from the Bible.

If we tame our words, we can also learn to tame our bodies and minds. That's powerful!

If we tame our words, we can also learn to tame our bodies and minds. That's powerful!

Negative words keep us chained to the past and bar us from moving into our future. The words that come out of our mouths heal or hurt. They bring reconciliation or division. By words, dreams are made or shattered.

Why is complaining such a big deal? We all complain about something from time to time. But if we are always complaining, grumbling about everything and that is most of our M.O., we are creating an atmosphere, a temperature if you will around us, that constantly becomes negative.

If complaining is our M.O., we are creating an atmosphere, a temperature if you will around us, that constantly becomes negative.

Grumbling, murmuring, whining—whatever synonym you want to stick to complaining – these words all have the same effect. They stop life from growing, in fact complaining is like weeds choking the life out of the grass. Complaining chokes the life out of good things, places, people.

Maybe, over the next week, it might be a great time to sensitize us to our own heart and listen carefully for the words coming out of it, in particular, words of complaint.

When we live life complaining, it is just hard to hear the good. Complaining breaks up communication lines. Complaining is sending all the wrong messages.

I think complaining hits the ears of people like a pile of bricks.

There are few things that grates on the nerves like an ungrateful, complaining person. Having worked in the education field, I've been around a lot of complaining students and to say that it hurts the ears is an understatement.

But complaining isn't reserved for young people.

Alot of us big people have seemingly perfected the art to record levels....

It is important for us to recognize that complaining has its root and beginning in ingratitude. Ingratitude is not just some unimportant, passing attitude. Rather, it has the making of a serious heart issue that can have major consequences in our lives.

I think that most people when we complain is that we forget that in spite of what we may think or feel, the very nature of God is goodness.

This is why complaining is so damaging to our spiritual life and relationships. The words we speak answer this question: Do we really believe God is good? When we complain - we are saying, “God, I really don’t believe You are good. I don’t believe You have it under control.”


And as for those around us, complaining is like emotional pollution; it pollutes the air they breathe. Complaining sends an emotional virus into the air that others breathe and can become infected with.

When we complain, we blind ourselves to all the good things that have been accomplished in our lives. Sometimes, complaining (and I'm sure we don't mean it most of the time) says we aren't grateful for all of the past provisions, successes and we scoff in effect at the hopes and promises for the future.

This quote I read really hit home:

Complaining takes all of God's promises and finds them wanting because of a situation(s) of need we might have or be dealing with.

So, some hopeful ideas on beating the complaining game:

Focus on the many good things that God has done for us.

Instead of grumbling and complaining, we need to consider:

Practice Gratitude

It is a well used word but, the act of giving thanks has become a well respected means for creating a more contented life.

Scientists have found that the habit of gratitude can reduce the symptoms of depression, increase well being and make for an all around contented person.

Maybe, write down all the things we are grateful for and add to it daily. We will find that it is difficult to feel upset or sorry for ourselves when we are feeling grateful.

I am thankful to God that in spite of the past year of sadness and troubles it has brought, I am still a miracle that I sometimes do not acknowledge and you are too!

Praise others.

Let's roll out the compliments. Just like gratitude, encouraging someone else by giving them praise and recognition will help us.

Why not make someone else feel good and spread joy?

We can all applaud good deeds and recognize when someone has done something good both at work, at home or wherever we connect with people.

Why not say a thank you for a great meal, a job well done etc.

Everyone appreciates praise and recognition their efforts.

Let go.

Holding on to past regrets and hurts do not benefit where we are presently and where we are going.

Yes, we must deal with the issues that have held us back, hurt us, cripple us at times but at a certain point, we must find the strength through help, aid etc to let go of things that are beyond our control and act on the things that we can control.

We must find the strength through help, aid etc to let go of things that are beyond our control and act on the things that we can control.

So, A Word Fast. Complaining...

Not easy to do when maybe it has been a habit but, if we are serious about change, being a catalyst for change, one area that will always need a re-freshening or grow up is what comes out of our mouths....

Forget about the World, our City, our Neighborhood, our Office, Our School, what would where we live and move look like if we made a concerted effort to Fast Complaining? Because if what was close to us changed for the good, everything else would too!

What would where we live and move look like if we made a concerted effort to Fast Complaining?

I can see it; can you?

Word Fast!!


Catalyst Change #2 Next: Criticism



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