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  • Writer's pictureMillsman

Conversations with Mom on the Road To Lent! So Grateful For Them..

So, this year will be a year of firsts that we don’t get to enjoy moments and special days with mom. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 3 months that mom left us for a greater paradise than we could even imagine. So happy for her but always wish we could have had 1 more day.

But I do have conversations/thoughts that I treasure that have permeated my life over the years and I also asked my brother for any anecdotes, some "fav" comments that he put into his box of memories because mom was one of a kind!

It is amazing to look back and realize what a wealth of wisdom, information, and zest for life Beatrice was. Given her tough and sometimes turbulent upbringing, her attitude and how she walked through life was second to none.

So as we near Easter weekend, I thought it would be right and special to reflect on many mom moments, commentaries etc.

“You know, there’s a reason why you can be angry but not to sin-miss the mark while you’re at it.”

In reference to a situation I was going through with someone, Mom made it clear that while I had the right to be upset, if I reacted negatively, most probably the outcome would get worse because my reasoning and logic were out the window because I was seeing red.

“It’s amazing how people will hold a grudge, even if they are about to fly off the edge of a cliff!”

Mom was always amazing at how a person could throw away their marriage, friendship, wreck a situation all in the name of wanting to be right.

“You could be right but in the end, does it really matter if you are going to cause hurt, pain and destruction to be right?”

“Sometimes, it’s best to just be quiet; just because you feel like you have something to say does not mean you really have something of substance to say.”

“Take it to God in prayer; He is bigger than your problem.”

“Whenever I was down and feeling depressed, I would go for a walk. Sometimes, I would walk for hours or so it seemed and when I looked around and would see God’s creation, I realized that things were going to get better.”

“Isn’t it amazing that God gave the person ingenuity to create a radio for the car so on long journeys, it could help pass the time away.”

“This leg brace is amazing. Because of someone’s ability, I can walk and I’m so happy that I still have some freedom.”

“If people would just learn to say I’m sorry, mean it and stop wanting to be so right, the world could be a whole lot better.”

“Life is too short to hold a grudge.”

“If you walk in there and say what you think you want to say, you may not be able to take the words you’re about to say back and make matters a whole worse!”

“We didn’t have much but we always had enough.”

“The angels sing so why shouldn’t I?”

“I could look back all the time at all the things that hurt me but what good would that do so why not look at all the good that has happened and be grateful for it?”

When I was discouraged regarding relationships:

“Dave, be patient. Obviously, the former girls in your life were part of the learning experience. Embrace what you’ve learned so you’re ready for when the right one comes into your life.”

Some Keith thoughts:

“Amen cried the preacher, you're a liar said the dummy.”

To paraphrase, "don't believe everything you hear".

Another one, "Everyone at some point in life needs to have a vacation. Life is too short to not get away and have some fun."

“You have to enjoy life, not endure it.”

“Love people, not things.”

“Never look down on the less fortunate, you never know what a day will bring.”

There are more anecdotes, comments so at another time, we will add to the story but for today, I am thankful for the wisdom that seemed to be always injected with humor, love, the bright side of life. Mom seemed to know when we needed the pick me up and the right measure.

We were/are blessed!


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