I’ve been thinking about the many ways I’ve been encouraged lately.
Its interesting how so much of the interaction we see in the news, politics, social media, even sports many times has a negative edge to it.
Is it me or does it seem hard for people to actually want to give a high five as opposed to a thumbs down a lot of the time?
Sometimes, we need an encouraging word, a thought, an idea, an arm around the shoulder, something that can help us not just get through the day but through a moment to be able to take another step.
A few things came to mind in the past couple weeks that helped me a whole lot.
So I’ve been struggling with missing mom since she passed away recently. Those blue moments where the thoughts (nothing bad) just linger and it seems hard to move forward even though we are still moving.
Maybe because even though we are trying to get into a new rhythm, the house is still pretty quiet and there is that little thought that we’ll hear her voice.
I was talking to my brother and I had said I wasn’t quite ready to pack all of mom’s clothes to give to the mission we support just yet.
He said, “When he had packed and brought the clothes he had from his house of mom’s, he had it in the back of his mind that mom’s clothes would benefit someone in need and maybe, he could be walking somewhere one day and pass by someone who was the beneficiary of the donation. That mom would live on.”
After hanging up the phone, the encouragement I felt was the gentle nudge, the urge, the persuasion to do a good thing. So that’s what I did and the funny thing was, even though I was still sad as I packed away mom’s clothes, I was glad to think in a few days, there will be some women who will be happy to receive a coat, top, sweater, pants etc.
This Encouragement came in the form of positive persuasion, urging me to do something that would be therapeutic which it was.

This Encouragement came in the form of positive persuasion, urging me to do something that would be therapeutic which it was.
So 2 weeks ago, I was talking with my best friend in Florida and as the conversation ensued, he started talking about losing weight and getting stronger doing some simple things that were really helping him see change come. He was really excited about where this shift in his thinking about eating better and working out was making a big difference in his mind.
What was interesting was that I had separated my shoulder in December and some of what he was now doing were things that I had been doing but tailed off significantly since the injury.
The more he talked, the more I was stimulated to put a plan in place to get back into some sort of work out groove that wouldn’t make my shoulder worse.
And we have…….
That conversation also has spurred me to accelerate the physio pace and we’re now working with an incredible sports therapist for my shoulder but I think of that hour long talk and how it was the fuel I needed to help me push ahead and start trending back to the healthy weight and strength levels I was at pre-injury.
This Encouragement came in the form of positive stimulation, fuel, a way to incite for good.
This Encouragement came in the form of positive stimulation, fuel, a way to incite for good. Like making a fire grow, it was like a Kindling moment. I’ll keep you posted as to the progress as time moves along.
This week, I had to call my interim team leader to thank her for constantly bugging me. Now for those who know me, I‘ve never met a friend who I didn’t think was able to escape my chirping self. I feel its important to share and spread the love in my own unique way but………
Sometimes, there are moments when you receive a gift that you didn’t expect but really needed.
Sometimes, there are moments when you receive a gift that you didn’t expect but really needed.
In my case, the harassment of love came when I was thinking how this year, mom wasn’t here to celebrate my day as she would in her very unique way but the people I worked with over 2 days at this school were on their game and it was appreciated. Some of their chirps were actually so funny, I laughed!! (LOL)
This Encouragement came in the form of hope, cheer, spirit, to hearten one’s disposition.
This Encouragement came in the form of hope, cheer, spirit, to hearten one’s disposition.
Some would say that it doesn’t take courage but I think that we could get so dulled to the world and the “Way things seem to be” that we don’t go the extra mile or say the kind thing or chance an idea for fear that it won’t be received well or right.
Or sometimes, we don’t say much to someone because we feel they know or have it figured out.
Except the fact that we are all on a journey and even though we may be in our own lane of life, at many moments, our paths intersect so why not take a chance and encourage someone today? It can’t hurt and many times, it’s just what the doctor ordered.

I just know that I’m glad that my friends, family reached out with courage to encourage me! It really matters!!!
To forward thinking about encouragement!