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Forward Friday.. 35,000 Feet At Home In The Air... Unsung Heroes #10. My Friend Natalya Dwarka...

So we are back for another installment of Unsung Heroes.

Now more than ever, it is important to focus our attentions on stories that will encourage us, enlighten us and also sensitize us to, about and for people.

Most people go about their daily lives doing what they do and many if not most times, no one takes notice but if they didn’t do what they did………

Our communities I dare say would not be better off if these unsung heroes were not there.

The fatigue of this period of time has worn on so many so some real stories of everyday people can be just the right medicine to help us raise our eye levels a little bit past this 6 month grind of Covid, political uncertainty etc.

We’re back for another installment of Unsung Heroes and in this 10th installment on Forward Friday, we want to highlight one of my friends, Natalya Dwarka.

I’ve known Natalya for so long that I can swing some really mighty fine stories just about now but it is a salute so I’ll play it nice for the moment…. I guess I have to!!!

Not Right but I’ll sneak one in before we’re up!

Actually, let’s get it out of the way quickly; Natalya has a great family but she does have a brother named Renaldo which in itself is a self-starter for trouble but….. No… Let’s stop!!!!

Natalya is a living, breathing walking miracle. Natalya was dead in her mother’s womb for 12 hours the doctors estimated before she entered the world but because of prayer and that there is definitely a mission and call on her life, Natalya is here, full of life and promise!!!!!

So Let’s Get Into This!!!

Natalya was born in Montreal and grew up here in a wonderful family and her caring, loving spirit started from the family she was born into.

Natalya has always loved travelling and it started early with family vacations so the bug to travel began from her upbringing.

A significant moment for Natalya was when we went on a Missions Trip to the Dream Center in Los Angeles back in 2001 and that trip marked her life in regards to helping people and seeing and meeting different people of many nationalities.

Upon graduating from university with a degree in criminology, Natalya found work in a group home here in the city. But while she loved working with the youth population at the group home, it wasn't the right fit.

Natalya moved on to work in security at Sears for a couple of years but it wasn’t where her heart was.

One day, her dad saw an ad for a cruise ship needing a coordinator for children programs and Natalya applied. And…. Natalya was accepted!

Not only did Natalya get to work with children and develop programs on the ship, part of her love to travel was being satisfied as Natalya was docking in different ports of call and seeing the world.

The new foods (sometimes the food was interesting), new places, new people were exciting and the experience was awesome!

Natalya even had the enormous responsibility when the cruise line bought a ship from China and Natalya’s was flown over to China.
Her job over the 3 weeks it took to get the ship to Miami was to set up the kids program and prep the complete space for when the ship came to dock and then begin it’s tours.

Among the places Natalya went through on the way back to Miami and stopped in were Russia and North Korea to name a few.

At a certain point, Natalya felt a strong calling to begin work with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) and moved to Colorado to begin training to be mobilized to go to places in need of the help, expertise and services YWAM offered.

Some of what Natalya did and experienced during her YWAM experience was:

Traveling to Thailand after the Tsunami to help in the rebuilding process regarding Youth Issues.

Lived on and worked from a Catamaran for 4 months.

Went to Nepal to work with the underprivileged during some of the war/strife conflicts.

After this experience, Natalya came home and decided to get her Teacher’s certification from Concordia University.

That helped her head out to Honduras where she spent time in the mountains teaching kindergarten to needy children.

But the bug to travel never left and something that Natalya had always wanted to do was become a flight attendant.

So Natalya applied to Air Canada….but didn’t hear anything in the affirmative.

Natalya got a job working at Chrysler and while there, met a worker whose brother was a pilot for Can Jet.

That’s why conversations and connections work. He gave her some information and off Natalya went to check into it.

Natalya applied to the now defunct Can Jet airlines company.

Loved the experience of flying, serving people and travelling again to different destinations.

But when Can Jet went bankrupt, that didn’t stop Natalya.

Went back to working at Chrysler but that flying bug wouldn’t leave her so…..

Natalya applied to Sun wing vacations and was accepted.

Except, the day before her first flight, on the assembly line at Chrysler, Natalya pulled her back out so that opportunity was missed but was it?????

Sometimes, things happen for a reason and Natalya decided to re-apply to Air Canada and the rest they say is history.

Natalya graduated from her Air Canada class on a Thursday, had to pack up her life and move to Toronto because her first flight was that coming Sunday.

Everything moved quickly and until the lockdown, Natalya has loved the opportunity to serve travelers, attend to their needs and see the world.

Fun Fact: Natalya has been to 52 countries/islands etc.

Natalya would tell you that home is 35,000 feet in the air and that Flying is in her blood.

Like so many in her field, this lock down has been tough as the call back of workers has been slow but becoming steady.

Natalya has kept herself busy doing what she can to stay occupied and has some ideas on what she may have to do if the current state of affairs in the industry doesn’t change soon

But….. I think we know where Natalya’s heart is……..

When you think of Natalya, say a prayer for her and those she represents who are living a lot of her reality during this waiting period to go back to the jobs, profession they love.

Natalya loves people, serving them, helping them, meeting them and as our unsung hero, Natalya’s always ready to give of her time, talents, abilities because she cares!

Not sure about Renaldo but.........

We salute you Natalya and thank you for your service and what you do!

Here’s to hoping that you get that call back soon!! We need you flying the friendly skies and telling your stories in pictures of where you’ve been and the care you’ve shown your passengers!!!!


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