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Forward Friday.. A Cut Above... Unsung Heroes #11th In The Series... My Friend Julie Corrigan...

So we are back for another installment of Unsung Heroes.

Now more than ever, it is important to focus our attentions on stories that will encourage us, enlighten us and also sensitize us to, about and for people.

Most people go about their daily lives doing what they do and many if not most times, no one takes notice but if they didn’t do what they did………

Our communities I dare say would not be better off if these unsung heroes were not there.

The fatigue of this period of time has worn on so many so some real stories of everyday people can be just the right medicine to help us raise our eye levels a little bit past this 6 month grind of Covid, political uncertainty etc.

We’re back for another installment of Unsung Heroes and in this 11th installment on Forward Friday, we want to highlight one of my friends, Julie Corrigan.

I’m excited about this one so… Let’s Get Into This!!

I’ve known Julie for more than 30 years and even though it’s been a difficult friendship, I’m willing to go another 30 years if she can handle it... (I know, I know-no cheap shots).

Julie hails from the city of Ottawa (Otherwise known as Montreal’s other little brother) and grew up in the town of Dunrobin.

I got to know Julie through camps, conventions but really got to know her and her incredible family as my best friend’s brother was their youth pastor for a period of time.

My brother and I eventually began hanging out and staying at the Davidson’s on many a weekend. There were many times where we never wanted to leave because we had so many good times and we were loved by her family.

Julie keeps trying to say that she’s my favorite but her sisters Alison and Helen are pretty alright too so cool your jets Julie!!!!

At a certain point, Julie wanted to follow her dream to be a teacher so that brought her to Montreal where she went to and graduated from McGill University with her teaching degree.

What you may not know about Julie is that she is now a Vice-Principal in the Ottawa school system but more about that in a bit.

While Julie was in Montreal, the friendship grew and while she was here, Julie also became one of our trusted youth leaders at our burgeoning Youth Center/Church Ministry where on any given Friday, we would have 100 plus teenagers come to learn, grow, mature and have some fun!

Julie was and still is incredible at connecting with people.

So this was weird: while in Montreal, Julie met Wayne Corrigan who is a good friend of mine and coincidentally working in Montreal but also from Ottawa. Go figure.

It wasn’t long after Julie moved back to Ottawa that wedding bells were a ringing and Julie and Wayne got married in 1998.

But wait!!

Because Julie and I would get into it all the time, we made a bet that whoever got married first, on their wedding day, the loser would have to kiss the shoe of the other. Well, I got married in 1997 so if we do the math, I think Ms. Dunrobin lost.

The pictures are the before (her weak explanation beside my brother and the aftermath picture with me). Julie was a great sport about it…. But I won!!!

Julie loves her family and in her gang of 5, Julie has 3 Incredibles; Emily, Evan and Curtis.

What you also may not know about Julie is she is a living, walking breathing miracle. It wasn’t but a few months after Emily was born that Julie contracted e coli bacteria that nearly took her life but the steadfast prayers of people and supernatural healing power changed the script of that story and we are blessed to have Julie alive and bursting with Joy today!!!

So as we said, Julie was a school teacher and has taught for 20 years. Julie has always prepared, taught and cared for the many students she had the privilege of teaching with excellence but at a certain point felt like she could be equally effective as an administrator.

Julie took the first series of tests and interviews but it didn’t quite work out the first time but undeterred and not defeated in her goal, a number of months later, threw her hat back in the ring and in 2019, became the vice-principal in a school that is very needy and needs the type of person to help lead that Julie is.

It is very trying and stressful even in the best of times but certainly with this pandemic, the role of administrators, teachers, support staff, specialists etc. are pushed and stretched but Julie typifies the resilience needed to do their/our professions at a high level.

But Julie is not a one trick gal…..

Just a few of things that Julie has done or is doing because her spirit is adventurous.

Went to England for 2 weeks to teach students math.

Was part of a dragon team that won a race/competition in 2015.

Julie is an avid skier.

Julie ran a women’s group/ministry at a church in Ottawa for 3 years.

Julie would be the sports mom with the vehicle to prove it as those kids loved their team sports.

When anyone talks about Julie, these are some things they would say:

Most selfless person they know…

Hard working…

Always puts others before herself….

Very good for giving advice to friends and family….

People trust her with their problems….

Julie is very creative and artistic……

Julie is involved in many areas of life; willing to help and volunteer.

If we were to ask what Julie loves, it might go something like this:

Her family!!!!

Her trailer by the lake in the Ottawa Valley!! (Julie just got her dream cottager trailer this year!)

Her black lab Toby


Her students and coworkers.

I know this pandemic hasn’t been kind to us for visiting but that will come again but there could be no more loyal a friend, person, leader, family oriented and grounded person than Julie Corrigan!

We salute you Julie and thank you for your care for people and what you do! It is an honor to know you and call you friend!!!!

These unsung heroes aren’t doing what they do for glory, grandeur or accolades but we need to be thankful because they help make our days, weeks, months better and we are truly better for having them in our lives!

Thanks Julie!!!


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