Forward Friday is our Mother's Day Special, 4 things you need to know about Mom!! I'm thankful for all the lifeless lessons I learned from the Bumble Bea but even more than that, it was being with her that was the best!!
“It’s going to get better”, were the last words Mom spoke to me before she passed away into eternity almost 5 plus years ago..
These thoughts have made a big difference in my life and may they encourage you when you think of your mom, whether she is still with you or you have precious memories of her!
Let's Get Into This!!
Check out the Special Video Below Celebrating Mom!!!
1. Mom Had Fun
As I was thinking about mom, so many things would come to mind. This year would have been her 100th birthday. That would have been a party to remember!!
Mom loved a party and we made sure that we celebrated 90, 91, 92, 93 and 94 and Mom loved to run the table with fun galore. Mom even went back to Bermuda for her 90th and 93rd birthday and she was in heaven so to speak on those trips!
2. Mom Loved People

Mom loved people…. Growing up, it was nothing strange to coming home, the front door being open and mom was not inside. She’d be across the street holding court at the grocery store, or people coming over and chatting with her on the balcony.
That was normal but what the real deal was that the neighborhood kids were at our house all the time.
Whether it was playing in our yard and then getting hugs or treats from mom, the kids loved mom.
3. Mom Had No Bitter Waters

Mom was special and I understood only later in her life the challenges mom faced throughout her life.
Mom was the only child born to a French-Canadian mom and American dad.
While that’s not a bad thing at all, her mom passed away when mom was 2 and her dad who was a fledgling business entrepreneur, sent her to boarding school and the convent for much of her childhood and teens.
Even in her late teens and early twenties, mom faced a lot of tough hits even from those who were supposed to be close to her.
Mom would say that bitter waters only make a person sour and who wants to be around someone who was like that?
Mom would say when she was feeling all alone and sad, she’d go for long walks in the city and when she would see all of God’s creation all around her, she would say to herself, “It’s Going To Get Better”.
Now For Some Good News Medicine:
4. Mom Knew Her Strength Was In Her Relationship With God
I could still hear Mom say things like, “Tell It To Jesus-He is the Friend that’s well known”, or “Prayer changes things”,

“Be still and know that God is still God in your life”,
“Sometimes, being still is the best thing we can do when life gets stressful”.
These scriptures back up her attitude and thinking.
Psalms 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. 2 So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.
Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you: 8 For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened.
1 Peter 5:7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
2 Corinthians 1:3 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort.
The Things I Think:
It’s still hard to believe that Mom left us and it still at times feels like yesterday. There are times when I come home and expect to hear her voice asking for a tea or to go for a walk……

What would I give to have those wrinkly hands rub my face or punch me for bugging Kelly….
But I am thankful that even though I wish we could have her for 1 more day, the legacy Mom has left us is the kind of quality that makes a difference today.
There’s a reason why people gravitated to her, but it always blesses my heart to know that in spite of the rough moments, hard times, hurtful periods of her life, the incredible qualities of her life is what drew people to her.
Miss Mom but her Spirit and qualities live on!!!
