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  • Writer's pictureMillsman

Forward Friday… A Tale Of 3 Friends…Dale.. Rich.. Craig.. Legacy Moments

So I know I’ll get in trouble for this post but hey, it’s my post so they cannot do anything about it. How do we create legacy moments and probably as great and even greater is who do we create legacy points with and/or for?

The old adage that says “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future” remains as true today as it ever was and I am glad that I have been blessed with incredible friends over the years and to try and name them all and what they mean to me would fill a book.

And since this is only a blog/post, many of you would hit snooze early and often…..

“Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future”

So for Forward Friday, I center some attention and give honor to 3 friends whom I hold in high esteem and how they contribute not only to their own legacy but to mine as well!

So Let’s Get Into This!!

My Friend Dale Weller! Mr. Resilience, Consistency & Calm (Trouble Too)

If I were to start talking for real about Dale, well, it would be too long but if my mom were still alive, she’d say, “Start it up! Let’s Go!”

Best friends for over 45 years (wow-that’s a number) and still alright with it. Mom loved him like the third son... Why???

I remember the first time I talked to Dale was when his family moved to Montreal and his dad became our pastor. It was a Sunday night after church and my mom kept nudging me to go to talk to Dale and make him feel welcome.

Trouble is, I was already trying to figure out what to say and none of it sounded cool…

But I went ahead and what I said was the classic I’m not sure what to say but here goes….

“So how do you like Montreal so far?”

To which Dale said, “Great!” Classic line for a kid who had been in the city for 12 minutes!!!

Well, from that point until today, we’ve been through many a battle, victory, defeat, fun times and more.

The anguish of the ex-girlfriends, the road trips (Daytona Beach, New York/Myrtle Beach etc.) with little or no money to go with but we still went. Many a late night, ice cream gorges and the beat goes on.

The sports injuries, family moments and the list is too long.

But from back then until today, If there is anything that sticks out in my mind as one of Dale’s greatest strengths is his resilience and calm in the midst of chaos.

resilience and calm in the midst of chaos.

From many work and employment turbulence moments to personal battles that have come his way, Dale has always exhibited calm in the midst of the storms of life.

Even when Dale might have been sinking in his proverbial shoes in the battle, sometimes one would never have known it.

I believe that his faith that he has built his life on has kept him grounded and able to withstand the storms of life that have come his way.

I know for me, being the frenetic type, having his friendship at many times being rock steady has been something not only admire but to want to emulate.

A couple of years ago, we were on vacation in Florida where he lives and Dale and I went out for lunch.

There were some things that I wanted to tell him from our teenage years that I had gone through that I hadn’t disclosed before if for no other reason that I didn’t understand some of the stuff I had dealt with.

Felt a little nervous because I was wondering how he’d react which was dumb…

Same Dale; resilient, consistent and calm like I didn’t know I was safe with my pal.

There’s so much more I could say but we honor the strength of character of a true gentleman, father who’s steady, calm and resilient. Dale, A Friend For The Ages!!!

Richard John You Know Where You Stand. Clarity Personified.

I think Richard’s brothers are far better than he is but for the purposes of this post, I’ll pull back.

I’ve known Rich for over 20 plus years and he has become a trusted friend and cohort.

I got to know Rich when he started coming to our church back in the 1998-99 period. It wasn’t long after that we became friends and soon after, Rich became a part of my various leadership teams.

I think building friendships takes time to grow trust but when trust grows, the ability to accept someone to be able to speak into the other's life grows exponentially.

I think Rich’s analytical mind and business background helped grow a trait already there but fine-tuned it.

Many a time over the years, I would throw ideas and thoughts out to Rich to see what he thought of them and was especially appreciative of his insight.

Not only from a working together in group and team settings but also on a personal level.

Funny, being a sports guy, one of the things that a lot of us do is rehash the “one” that got away.

Talk to many champions in sports and many will not only be excited about the big win but they also remember the “ones” that got away, the loss in championship game.

There was a point some years ago when I needed to pull the trigger on a decision in one of our groups. I should have made the tough decision but was very hesitant.

Rich must have implored me 5 or 6 times to do that thing I needed to do but I played it safe and it ended up costing the organization for not making that move.

I did listen and accept the counsel a few years later when in another organization, a difficult decision had to be made and this time as in other moments, Rich’s clarity was right on point and we did what had to be done and we were glad we made the decision we did.

Rich is a generous, kind friend to many, always looking to make a difference in people’s lives and anyone who knows him is blessed to be his friend.

By the way, this is almost the longest that I’ve gone without throwing some shade his way… It will stay that way for now.

A solid guy, a friend who cares and is interested in making his world better! Rich is a good man!!!

Craig Olenik: Care And The Extra Mile

A couple of days ago, I warned Craig that I shouldn’t write what I’m about to because he was throwing shade my way and after he reads this, he may just have to change his attitude towards me. Fat chance but one can hope!!

So Craig has been a good friend of mine for over 25 years………..

We have gone on trips together among many things and….

Fun Fact: Craig was one of our limo drivers for our wedding back in 1997.

Our paths crossed years later when Craig returned from working out West as a pilot and began working in the education system as a principal.

To say that we have worked closely over the past 9 years is an understatement.

Besides working on some outside endeavors, we have collaborated at a major high school for a few years and in the past 6 years, we’ve been fortunate to work together in our Outreach Network schools which are smaller schools for students who need a different type of setting to meet their needs.

Craig has this uncanny recall ability to know pretty much everything or almost everything about any portfolio for the 12 schools we service and he shows in action and not just word that he truly cares and wants the best for not only the students but the staffs we get to collaborate with.

But Craig is more than his work when it comes to kindness. Craig has shown his kindness to so many and I know he has been kind to my family.

Craig is more than his work when it comes to kindness.

We had a Christmas Tradition where his family, Kelly, Mom and I would get together at a family restaurant over a few years. Mom loved hanging out with Craig although I’m not sure why.

Craig also was instrumental in my job positon after a difficult season in another place and we haven’t looked back.

Craig will take time to process because he needs to think through things clearly yet when he does and when it comes to people, when Craig is all in, he’s all in!

It is a good thing to have a friend who not only says he cares but shows it in action and in deed!

A caring friend; Craig is one who will stand by you in any storm!

These 3 friends typify many of the friends God has blest me with and as I am writing, I can see handprints and footprints of their influence in my life and many others as well.

It’s interesting that the friends we keep greatly determine some of our footprints in life and there are some tried and true antidotes from the Good Book to encourage all of us in the area of friendships.

Good Medicine

Luke 6:45 A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.

Proverbs 18:24 "One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times, and a brother/sister is born for a time of adversity."

1 Thessalonians 5:11 "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."

Ecclesiastes 4:10 "If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up."

So while not the final word on friendship, I’m thankful for these great guys and their influence in my legacy moments and the other friends who made/make a difference in my life.

I hope that we can all look and be thankful for a friend(s) who has/is making a difference in our lives and there is a positive effect when it comes to each of our legacy moments.

Walking the friendship legacy road with you…


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