We’re rolling into 10 months of this period of time which can only be classified as strange, abrupt, invasive, peculiar, even depressing to the point that we can forget that even in the middle of this, there can be "one" thing that we can point to that is positive that can help us as we walk through these moments.
So Facebook has this good and sometimes not so great way of popping up a former post on a particular day in the past.
It just so happened that there was a good post from 8 years ago detailing my weight journey and the struggle to get healthy.
After receiving a number of personal messages of friends who felt like it was something they needed to hear, I felt it could be of encouragement to someone who may be struggling with whatever “It” could be or it could have been as simple as trying to find a good thing to encourage one’s self during this season of flux.
I felt it could be of encouragement to someone who may be struggling with whatever “It” could be...

Save a few injuries, I’ve pretty much stayed with the program and am stronger today and am very thankful for being able to live better and smarter over the past 8 plus years.
I didn’t and don't post for praise but because of this time we are in, it can be hard to find much to be grateful for but I think if we paused for a second, there may be 1 thing we could be grateful and thankful for and it will help us especially now….
So with a few alterations, I think it’s worth retelling some of this journey I’ve been on and hopefully, this Forward Friday will bless your heart and help you in the event that you’ve been only seeing “Blue” days and not the “Blue” skies that are there because there is always “One” blessing/thing that can help us!!!
Let’s Get Into This!
I knew today was a good day to tell this story again. I hope and pray that maybe someone reading this will be encouraged to push past the fears, discouragement of any kind and see the possibilities of what life can truly be like.
I want to thank God for encouraging me to believe for better and being my best coach, for my wife for never treating me badly through the battles of my weight issues, my incredible past trainer, Marie-Christine for not only getting me in tremendous shape, but also gently helping me over a period of time to see the issues that could be preventing me from losing the weight I was struggling to lose over many years.
So, let's get to it. I could go back further to some pretty tough things I had to deal with but that's for another day; January 2004, I was in Toronto, speaking at a college.

I was putting on my jeans that at the time always fit and yet I had a hard time buckling them.
I remember looking in the mirror thinking, "who am I kidding? I'm going to speak to theologians, students who probably had more in their little finger than I had in my head and I couldn't do my pants up?"
I decided when I got home, I would write down everything I would eat for 2 weeks and not fudge anything. It was pretty scary after seeing all that I was eating, when I was eating etc.
Previous to this transformation period, I should add that there were 3 or 4 times where I confided in people I rubbed shoulders with that maybe we should talk about the fact that some of us struggled with our weight and together, maybe we not only could help each other but those around us and following us could benefit from our health journey if we took it.
I quickly realized that not everyone wants to deal with things like they say they do. I know; it took me years before I decided..
So January 2004 was my metamorphosis for change. 2004 was the year of regenerating the mind for change.
When it was all said and done, I lost 10 pounds in the first year of yo-yo change.

2005 was the big shift. By the end of 2005, I had lost 40 pounds and gained a measure of control over some areas.
I remember going into a supermarket, picked up a 50 pound bag of potatoes, held it for 5 minutes and thought, “this used to be on me” and decided there and then that that was never going to come back or happen again.
I picked up a 50 pound bag of potatoes, held it for 5 minutes and thought, “this used to be on me”
Over the next 5 years, I couldn't seem to break past the 220 lb. barrier and my weight fluctuated between 220 lbs. & 235 lbs.
The frustrating thing was that I was active and very busy playing hockey, working out but couldn't seem to break that barrier.

Heck, even at 270 lbs., I was active but things were missing. I would drive the students from my youth center crazy because I was on over drive energy 99% of the time but still struggled with my weight.
So the beginnings of the next change or shift began when our principal from our school brought in a trainer for after school workouts.
I remember the first time I set eyes on Marie Christine and wondered how far she could push us. Pretty, young, smiling; could she ramp it up?

Well, that question was answered completely and quickly.
Besides the work outs, what really stayed in my mind were all the conversations we would have about food and the importance of knowing what's going in my system.
So, we come to April 2012. My weight had fluctuated back and forth between 220 lbs. and 235 lbs. and both my wife and I had been talking about change but it was figuring out the what.
At my birthday lunch that day in 2012, a former intern of mine, Shannon had always struggled with her weight but came in having lost 15 lbs.
She was using something called Herbal Magic and Kelly decided to try it. Was exactly what she needed. I read the food charts and the precision was what was missing in my life.

I started 2 weeks after Kelly started and it clicked! (Kelly lost 29 lbs and 25 inches)
I finally found the missing key.
I finally found the missing key.
People asked if I was eating grazing food, seaweed etc (which in my humble opinion was/is an error in food consumption) but it was just the adjustments and precision that made the difference.
My coach amped up my workouts which made a difference in building tone and muscle.
When I stepped on the scale that morning and saw 195 lbs., it was time to tell because there are so many who need to know that they can make it too!!!

Whatever we need to do, start. Don't let what we haven't done, the stops and starts, the negative self talk, the dark words of others, what we wished for keep getting in our way.
Small steps matter. Time to make a move in a positive direction and I want to encourage you that many times at 270 lbs., I knew that I could be different but couldn't see how for a long time.
Small steps matter.
As I made intentional changes and saw the weight come off, I realized this is what I saw in my mind's eye; healthy, strong, fit and my size. Exactly where I was when I was 18 years old, except healthier now. 59 years old and blessed! Be encouraged; great change can be here for all of us no matter what we are struggling with!!
So, a little extra context; when this pandemic hit us and we were locked up in March, I had just been in Orlando and saw how my best friend had transformed himself during a difficult time in his life and it really spoke to me.

I had separated my shoulder months earlier and recovery was long and arduous; also gained a few pounds from inactivity and not being able to do too much.
So, I knew that I had figure out this new phase or distraction of an injury and get moving in a good direction.

So, joined a kettlebell club for 6 weeks and when the time was up, brought home a home work out regimen and got back to where I need and want to be.
Funny, in the past, after leaving a club or gym, the motivation or determination would wane but this time, it's different. 3 times a week without fail and I love it 6 plus months later!!!
Sometimes, life throws curves, blue masks and isolation recommendations at us but we can still look for those things that can help us grow even in those moments!!!

I see the Fingerprints of God in my life even in this area; knowing I’m loved by my Creator and He still has good plans for me makes me want to make sure I take care of as best I can the body I’ve been given.
Some Good Medicine For Our Week!
When I can sometimes wonder who cares about what I’m battling with in this upside down world that we are presently living in, I remember this from Matthew 6:26-30
Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? “And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you.
9 years later, large is still my size!! Now for a guy who lived in “Big & Tall” for years, that’s pretty cool
Hopefully today, we will find 1 thing to be grateful for to help us end the week past well and start our weekend off in a better frame of mind!!
In the fight with you......

#ForwardFriday #OneThing #Satisfied #FingerPrintsOfGod #Blog #Speaker #Value #Friends #Family #Growth #Perspective #Hope #2021FingerPrints #Content #Insight #NewYearsContemplations #WeightLoss #MovingInTheRightDirection #ContentInAnyCircumstance #AlwaysLearningToBeGrateful