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Forward Friday…Christmas Day. My Hero.. Christmas Thoughts In A Weird, Covid World!!!

Writer's picture: MillsmanMillsman

Merry Christmas to you as we collectively try to take a breath from this crazy period of time we’ve been living in and hopefully as best we can, celebrate this time with some joy, hope and peace.

For many of us, this will not be an easy Christmas as we may have lost a loved one/friend no matter the cause, not being able to have family/friends together because of restrictions, the toll this pandemic has had on our psyches, bodies, wallets etc.

But in spite of all of that which is a lot, Christmas is the season of hope past, hope present and hope future.

One doesn’t have to be religious to have a grasp that we are in a season of gifts given and gifts received and it goes back to a little town called Bethlehem where the gift to the world was put on display.

Of course, looking at the set up, it was quite an innocuous debut for the gift that would change everything for mankind.

I mean, talk about lowly, non-descript, and being in a stable, the smells I’m sure were less than desirable.

Even Bethlehem, kind of a low on the totem pole type of town wouldn’t be the first call or choice to receive the greatest gift for men and women but it was.

It makes me realize that I should appreciate and be thankful for all the little mercies that come my way because some of the smallest gestures received with gratitude can be our biggest growth moments and hope builders,

Many wouldn’t be excited about the prospects of a King being born in a stable, last town on the map kind of place, almost on the outskirts of 2 traffic lights Hicksville but especially in this time of crisis we are living in, maybe we could take a little cue from the wise men from the east.

Because like many things in life, the giving of gifts and receiving of gifts should be reciprocal and what may look like not a big deal could very well be a game changer for our destiny.

How many people do I know that would rather give something but have the hardest time receiving anything? I've been like that but I'm working at it......

It has to work both ways….

These wise men traveled from a far, searching for this King spoken of and when they finally made it, they offered gifts.

It’s too much to get in to but these wise men offered more than just the treasures (gold, frankincense and myrrh which in themselves has great meaning) they brought.

The journey to see this Child was a gift of time. It wasn’t hopping in the car and driving down the street; this was an active, deliberate choice to find this King.

They had followed His star was a gift of talent to figure out where and when to look.

They desired to worship Him and brought Him gifts—a gift of treasures which in many ways indicates a direction of the heart where it concerns what we are devoted to and will devote ourselves to.

When they came before Jesus, they “fell down and worshipped Him.” In doing so, they acknowledged both His Lordship and His Kingship—a gift of testimony. They found what/who they were looking for and gave witness to that fact.

So this Christmas, after spending the last 4 months shining a light on some pretty incredible unsung heroes, it seemed right to say that my reason for celebrating this season is the gift that I received a long time ago and is in my heart today; the gift that keeps on giving and He is Jesus!

In a world gone mad so to speak, I know that I need a rock, a source of strength that goes beyond the limitations of mankind to keep me steady.

And while it’s true that men and women at times in history have made a mess of carrying His name, at the same time, just like those who have used Christmas for their own ambitions and purposes, it still doesn’t take away the fact that Christmas was, is and will always be about Jesus, the gift to us.

The wise men came with gifts but they went away receiving the gift of connecting with the one they were looking for.

That brings me hope now; for the frustrations I/we are dealing with, the loneliness, the struggles, the anxiety, depression, loss of work, loss of loved ones, even though He is King, He came to us, lowly, in such a manner that makes Him reachable and not far off.

So then I can bring him my time, talent, treasure and testimony and have hope that even in the worst of situations, I can find something of hope.

Kind of like this year: Oh man, there are no rose colored glasses for 2020 and even if there were those glasses, no one would want to put them on.

But that being said, someone recently said, “Will we define 2020 by what was buried or what was born?”

I think that Christmas should even bring an even greater appreciation for Hope because Hope came to a non-descript town and He offers hope in the bleakest of situations, circumstances and problems.

I think I have found a deeper appreciation for the little things in life; even the things that are usually held at arm’s length.

I have found a deeper appreciation for my wife, my family, for my friends, for those in need and suffering, the many who are in panic mode set up by fear and the fear mongering that has become rampant in our society over the past number of months.

So, even in this wild, crazy, messed up almost 9 plus months we’ve been living in, maybe we need to scratch the surface and we just might see some good things that have come out and even if it was just one, that is something to be encouraged for and about.

It’s been hard; not being able to gather and connect like we should be able to, go about our lives as we have done, losing people and not being able to properly mourn and remember them like we normally do and that list can go on…

Yet, a hero was born on the backend of a little town, not much in the eyes of men but came just the same and became a gift for you… and for me…. For times like these when we need An answer… An anchor….. A fortress…. A refuge…… This hero came for this reason and so much more……..

When we go through rough waters, it’s good to remember that Jesus has faced what we face, he has endured what we endure, and has beaten what we are battling.

So Christmas 2020 for many of us will be like no other but in the middle of it, no matter how we are feeling, remember that a gift came to us and for us….

Whether we receive a gift or give one this Christmas, or maybe it is the case that we won’t receive one, remember that we all have the opportunity to experience the gift that keeps on giving all year round and He is my Hero! Jesus!

Merry Christmas to you and yours and may you experience peace and comfort because of the Gift of Christmas!




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