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Forward Friday. Christmas Mercies Story #5. Looking Back To The Builders. Didn't Get Here On Our Own

Writer's picture: MillsmanMillsman

As we are about to close the door on 2021, a year that can only be classified as strange 2.0, I find myself thinking about some of the good things that have taken place. I know that I had help achieving some goals, but even more than the those who are in my life now, there have been many who I`ve been privileged to stand on what they`ve imparted into my life.

As I was sitting during the celebration service of Marilyn Weller just a few short days ago, I was thinking of some of the people who have made an indelible impression in my life. It just so happened that one of those people were in the same service along with the wife of another important person in my life.

It got me reminiscing...........

So this Forward Friday as we close out one year and are about to move into another, I want to give honor to those who have helped me along my path and knowing that many of these same traits will continue to move me forward into 2022!

We didn't just get to where we are by ourselves; there are those who we have built our life upon, those we have had their hands reach down to help us up. To be Grateful for the past; propelling us into the Future!!!

Let's Get Into This:

James Weller Enthusiasm Personified

As I sat in the service, I was looking ahead to the family in front of me and there was Pastor. Weller. Oh how I've missed this man!!

I spent many a day at the Weller house because Dale twisted my arm to come over so much (slight exaggeration), and I not only saw Pastor Weller at church leading our congregation but I saw him in other places and he was always the same.

Pastor Weller attacked each day, each task, each responsibility with enthusiasm. Even the way he connected with people was with enthusiasm.

When we'd go skidooing, skating, out to the restaurant, in the park, pretty much anywhere, you'd see the same J.P Weller everywhere.

Pastor Weller attacked each day, each task, each responsibility with enthusiasm. Even the way he connected with people was with enthusiasm.

It's amazing how we don't realize the effect that role models have on us because as I sat in the service and thinking about Pastor Weller's effect on my life, I see that type of enthusiasm unleashed in my life.

(That's Pastor Weller and my dad at a church picnic)

I tell Kelly that when I do go grocery shopping with her, let's make it fun! (She hates grocery shopping)

Even though we've only spoken on the phone in recent years, it was an honor to tell Pastor Weller personally how much he has meant to my life.

Fun Fact: at 85 years old, no matter the weather or forecast, Pastor Weller goes out for a 3km walk daily. No wonder there's a spring in his step even today!!!!

Thank you Pastor Weller; you will always be my pastor but more importantly, a trusted mentor and confidant.

Bob Senechal If We`re Going To Do Anything, Do It Right!

In that same service was a sweet lady who I've known since I was a teenager, Gale Senechal. Now Gale in her own right is one of the people you meet and love off the jump; kind, caring, loving and so much more.

Her husband, Bob was my second youth pastor and probably was the first person to give me a jolt of reality about upping my game as a leader.

Bob was a great man of character, strength, smarts and no nonsense when it came to doing things right.

We had many an uncomfortable conversation about doing things right because everything we do matters.

I would be lying to say that I, at the time enjoyed every conversation but when I look back, those conversations, those moments were helping to shape leadership principles in me and I find even now, it just makes sense to do things right.

I was telling Gale that with my sideline catering venture, I had an event in December. I could have taken a couple of short cuts and no one would have ever known but I would have and I can corelate the thought progression to doing things right from those now treasured days with Bob.

Whenever I would see Bob at Lakeshore Camp (Cobourg), I would always tell him how much he meant to me and that he invested much into me.

Bob, as always was so selfless and he would say he didn't do much but I was able to tell Gale that Bob is a treasured mentor and confidant who still helps me today!

Fun Fact: We had a leadership meeting back in the day and I was the treasurer. I had happened to go over the numbers earlier in the day but I wasn't prepared to give a proper financial report. Bob, somehow knew that I wasn't prepared like I normally was and he peppered me with questions.... Crazy that he threw out questions that he somehow knew I knew and didn't go to the areas where I hadn't looked or checked. So while he kept my dignity in tact and didn't embarrass me, he pushed me in a way that I only knew what the message was he was trying to send.

He told me later he knew I was skimming and he wanted to get a message across that only he and I knew what he was trying to do. Great skill and mastery of leadership and helping a young man learning the ropes of what it would take to become the leader that he was destined to become.

Dick Meades Managing The Moments

Some of my fondest memories of working anywhere was my 10 years at Westmount High. The place where I cut my teeth so to speak on trying new things, having a monster portfolio of responsibilities and enjoying it to the max.

In fact, joining the staff in my opinion was a miracle as I wasn't looking for the job but little did I know that those days would propel me into my destiny and future.

I have much to be grateful for for those 10 years and the subsequent years of leading people stem from many lessons learned at WHS.

I'll always be thankful for a Brit name Dick Meades who became the principal and led a resurgence of a school destined to close only to bring new life to the school and community.

There are so many stories: losing a bet with him and having to eat vegetarian for a week which felt like punishment at the time (still does), Community breakfast Saturday battles, camp outs and so much more.

Chief, as I would affectionately call him gave me a direction, idea, thought after he hired me and then let me run with it.

In fact, our section or department was basically put in our hands to design how we could make a difference in the lives of our students. He had an idea and years later, he said that what we came up with was where he had hoped it would go but he didn't want to interfere and let us forge our own identity and path.

With so many hats to wear, managing the moments, the groups, the portfolios was tantamount for continued success and growth of the school.

The Litmus or Turnaround Moment of Growth was: We had a week long camp out with 200 students and sandwiched in there was an Austrian student exchange with 40 Austrian students and staff here for a month.

Safe to say, at the beginning of the week up north, I miscalculated time and the first day didn't start off like it was supposed to.

Now the Chief could have ripped a shred out of me but remaining very calm, he said to me quietly, "You are the leader of this week; if you act and react like a chicken with it's head cut off, everyone will follow your cue."

"You are the leader of this week; if you act and react like a chicken with it's head cut off, everyone will follow your cue."

Pulled myself together and over the coming weeks and months, I learned much about leading and managing.

There are many things I'm thankful I learned under the tutelage of Dick Meades but this one still resonates today in my opportunities and I am thankful that those moments still speak volumes to me today!!

Mel Hines Think For Yourself-Be A Critical Thinker

If there is anything these past 20 months have done is remind me of the political science classes I had in college, specifically with a professor named Mel Hines.

I don't know if he is still alive today but if I had the opportunity to say anything, I would say, "Professor, thank you for challenging us to think, to not take what is thrown at us at face value, to look beneath the surface and see things for what they actually are."

We had his classes over a full year and the first semester was in an election cycle. Every day was a master class in the art of dissecting what was being spun at the public.

If you said every class wasn't dull and there was always something to wade through that was eye opening, you'd be right!

I can see Professor Hines beginning class with the Front page headlines and pictures in that morning's newspaper and we were ready to rock into the morning class.

While most of us didn't agree with him on many policies and political leanings, he wasn't teaching us what to think but "How To Think" which is different and the latter is so powerful because when one can think for themselves, it's hard to bend a lie past them.

I remember at the end of the second semester going to his office and shaking his hand and giving my heartfelt thanks for helping me in my progression of learning and thinking.

He said many things and there was this quote that really epitomizes what he was trying to help us grapple with.

Most people will believe anything if they are frightened. But critically thinking people will look for deception and find the truth through the smokescreen of fear. Listen to critical thinkers, not fearful reactors.

Thank you Professor Hines; you have had a hand in my life's progression.

Hubert Mills It Means Nothing If We Don`t Have Wisdom

I couldn't finish off this ode to the past year and with just a few minutes before we walk into a New Year without giving honor to a man that I still believe was ahead of his time because of the wisdom he possessed.

That's my dad, Hubert Mills....

If you've followed any of my posts, I've said so much about the lessons I've learned from him and I say that again, without reservation, dad was one of the wisest men I've ever encountered in my life.

Without reservation, dad was one of the wisest men I've ever encountered in my life.

In this period of time that we have lived in and unfortunately still have to deal with presently is that dad would always say that the "most important person in the room is not the smartest one because intelligence can fool us for a time but it is the wisest one".

"The most important person in the room is not the smartest one because intelligence can fool us for a time but it is the wisest one".

He would say one could have all the smarts, intelligence that one could possibly possess but if that was not accompanied by a healthy and/or equal amount of wisdom, intelligence has a shelf life with little or no wisdom to stand on or with.

I'm so glad that some of the lessons he would try to impart that I didn't get excited about when I was younger, in so many moments in the past number of years and present, they now speak to me in volumes.

I'm grateful for the wisdom of a godly man who gave all that he knew, possessed to us for not only our good, but hopefully we could in part try and do the same.

So I don't say that this is the quintessential New Year's resolution moment but my thoughts are pretty simple.

I have a particular weight goal and injury recovery goal to hit when I turn 61 in April.

I will enjoy this year, the 25th wedding anniversary of being married to "The Vortex" Miss. Kelly.

And to grow in greater measure Enthusiasm for everything I set my hands and mind to.

To do everything I put my hands and heart to with excellence and to the best of my ability.

To continually grow the skills to lead well and manage with care and insight the people, the places and things I have been blest to oversee.

To never stop thinking for myself and to be curious enough to not be satisfied for whatever "It" looks like.

To continually seek the giver of wisdom so that wisdom helps me make the other attributes work like they're supposed to in my life for the betterment of those around me.

I thank God that I have another opportunity to "Live Life To The Fullest" in 2022; a heartfelt thank you to the ones I've mentioned and so many others for helping me get to this point; I`m excited to see where the road leads in the weeks and months to come.

The New Year is upon us; these are some of my grateful moments....

Walking into the New Year with you!


#ForwardFriday #ChristmasMercies #LookingBackToTheBuildersDidnotGetHereOnOurOwn #EnthusiasmPersonified #Blog #Speaker #IfWeAreGoingToDoAnythingDoItRight! #ManagingTheMoments #JPWeller #BobSenechal #DickMeades #MelHines #HubertMills #ThinkForYourselfBeACriticalThinker #ItMeansNothingIfWeDonotHaveWisdom#LivingLIfeToTheFullestIn2022KindOfNewYearsResolution



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