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Writer's pictureMillsman

Forward Friday.. Developing Our Potential.. Doing Something About It Now.. Stop Being Afraid..

How will I know If I will succeed in the culinary industry? Is it a guarantee? This was a student from some years ago who was interested in cooking but was worried about failing. So we put together a program where people would come in to taste his creations.

From staff to people in the community, people got to sample 6 different weeks of his creations and after taking a chance, he gained confidence in working a talent that was just a hobby and from there went on to culinary school!!

Forward Friday continues the Potential Series; Stop Being Afraid. There are some things we just won’t know more about until we take a step out into game of life. And Potential is not a respecter of persons, fields, likes and dislikes.

We may know that God created us with great potential, but we can't stop there. We have to develop our potential. You and I can do this!!

Let’s Get Into This:

It was amazing to see life in the form of cooking talents come out of this former student and because he took a chance on developing his potential in the culinary world, he has traveled to Europe to fine tune his skills in some incredible restaurants and culinary schools but it wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t… take a step in the developing stage.

It’s interesting how I came to begin blogging, posting.

Having been a minister for many years, we write a lot of sermons, study guides, manuals, lessons etc., and a number of years ago, one of my interns suggested that I write a book.

To her, I always had a comment, quip, anecdote, thought progression that needed to be written down for others to gain something positive from.

But inside, I didn’t think I had a whole lot to say especially in a format book style.

But then, 5 years ago, a former boss and close friend took me out to a food court, and she said, “Dave, you need to write; you have so much to offer people!”

Needless to say, besides being very humbled, there was this conviction that it was time to start to figure out what that would like it.

It took 6 months of writing, revisions, wise counsel and a pivot to blogging that has us where we are today but what if we decided that well, we just can’t do that?

We wouldn’t be talking about developing potential today?

I have a few other dreams that are demanding that I work and develop them so we can see those become a reality but it takes effort but also taking a chance which means we are making a choice to see change come for the good!

Interesting Fact: So when I was (at least I thought it was the release date for my first blog) ready to release my first post, I sent the manuscript to 2 of my close confidants; one here in Montreal and the other in Florida and asked them to give me their critique and thoughts.

When they responded, we needed to go back to the cutting floor and reimagine what kind of product we were going to produce.

It was another 4 months before the first blog was produced.

I think it’s a natural propensity for us to not only get dismayed, discouraged, disappointed when the timeline of whatever we had planned doesn’t go as expected but sometimes, we let the steam leave the engine of progress.

When the timeline of whatever we had planned doesn’t go as expected, sometimes, we let the steam leave the engine of progress.

Someone has said that the hardest time is the waiting period time between the promise and the presentation of said promise….

But… I’m so glad that I received the counsel and wisdom I did because I had to dig deeper, and you know what? There was a well of growth, substance that needed to be unearthed to get us to where we needed to go in this lane!!

It’s been said that that there are segments of people who are unhappy because they are doing very little to develop their potential and it crosses every stage and walk of life.

If we want to see our potential developed to its fullest, don't wait until everything is perfect.

Do Something…. Now.

Could we start by laying our hand to whatever is in front of us?

I recall the summer that I had graduated from high school and my paper route had ended because the newspaper company had folded, my dad said that I wasn’t going to sit around the house all summer just playing football and baseball.

As he said, “It’s time to look for a job!

Long story short; I was hired on at the Bay downtown and I must say that even up until today, many of the experiences that I encountered have served me well in so many aspects.

From learning about people to working in places that I would have rather not have on face value, there was development then that has helped me in the present and no doubt in the future so everything we do matters.

Dad Would Say……….

We must give our potential some form, shape, structure, outline by doing something with it. We will never find what we are capable of doing if we never try anything. Writing and blogging came with some risks as do some of my other dreams to come but…….

Don't be so afraid of failing that we never take a chance. Don't stay in the safety zone. We may feel safe, but we will never succeed at developing our full potential or being fulfilled in what we are doing no matter what age we are at in life.

Iona MacAulay Story

Iona was a dear friend, confidant and mentor when I started my career at Westmount High back in the day.

When I met Iona, by this time, Iona had been a veteran teacher and the head of the English department at the school.

What was fascinating was Iona’s drive to be better and to give her students the best even as her teaching career was on the backside of a long illustrious career.

So what did Iona do when she could have eased up and rode so to speak into the sunset?

Iona created a State-of-the-Art English Dept Lab that was truly ahead of its time and it taught me something very valuable; it’s never too late to continue growing and developing the gift(s) we’ve been blessed with!

Thankful to have witnessed and been a part of Iona’s world!!

Some Good Medicine To Walk Into The Weekend With:

I have found as I have walked with God in my life, He’s never left me alone to fend for myself.

I have found his guidance, help, wisdom, insight, promptings to have helped me greatly in so many areas and moments of my life.

I know that those dreams I have are not only just a possibility but I believe I can see them come to fruition to bless people and move me forward on this road of life I am walking along.

Joshua 1: has always been a courage filled chapter for me to lean in to and I continue to let it speak to me.

Just a couple of excerpts:

6 No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you.

7 Be strong and very courageous.

9 This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Step out into what we feel God is leading us to do, and we will soon discover what we can and cannot do.

I have been listening to this song recently and it makes me grateful to know that we can experience the Goodness of God in our lives in every season, moment of our lives!

Have a listen!!

We are full of God-given potential, and He wants to do more through our life than we could ever imagine, but it requires our cooperation.

Why not consider Stepping out and walk with Him wholeheartedly today!!

We just don’t know the blessings and good things that await the other side of our yes!

Courage to fail always precedes the courage to succeed.

There is a verse in Romans 11:29 that says that God’s gifts and his call can never be withdrawn.

It simply means that we are all blessed with a gift or many gifts; these gifts that are a God given measure can never be withdrawn or taken away.

Now we can let them lapse and get rusty, but the incredible thing is that because these gifts are irrevocably given, it’s never too late to get back on the road or just get on the road to developing those gifting's; hence developing our potential!!!!!

So this week, my prayer to God went something like this: Thank You God for encouraging me to step out and take action, developing the great potential You have given me!

Make a choice to take a chance to see change come!!

Walking the developing road with you!!!


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