So here we are at the end of March and not many of us would have thought at the end of January that we would be living in the time that we are living in presently. This Forward Friday is looking for some glimmers of hope in the middle of this scenario that we have never experienced before!!!!
We'd be thinking about how the snow (for us northern types) has pretty much melted away, we see the grass, while not yet anywhere near green but we have this expectation that spring is coming.
By the way, spring is coming; it's not cancelled!!

A shout out to: All the parents who are trying to figure out how to keep their children on the beam during this period of isolation.
The Grocery store, pharmacy, Depanneur/7-11, gas station, take out delivery restaurant, government, other essential businesses and not in the least but transit, hospital, emergency, police and fire staff who are day in and day out doing their best to keep things going!! We Salute You!!!
So, it does matter that we have some sort of hope because in this season that most of us have never walked in before, we need some glimmers of hope to help us navigate this troubling time.
There have been some fueling moments for me that have helped me during this time and I call it hope.

I had previously posted that I was recently away visiting my best friend and while I was on the way to visit him, I wanted to reintroduce some things into my life that had been on pause.
One of those things was working out; I get in a lot of cardio as I would be on the ice skating 4-5 times a week but strength work was iffy because of a previous shoulder injury.
Little Miracle: I've been consistent working out daily and very encouraged that I can get back to where I was and even better in the weeks to come.
I say that the little miracle of working out in the complex's gym and realizing that my shoulder could handle more than I thought was exciting and gratifying.
Working out at home has been better than I thought and one of my high school buddies hooked me up to an online workout system so as I need more challenge later on, I've got it.

I say all that to say that we are in need of little miracles, little glimmers of hope to help us and its not just for time we live in presently but when life regains a more normal pace, we will always need hope.
So many social media posts and some of the news is dire and whether or not all of the "Dire" is real or heightened, we need some bedrock foundation to help us navigate so we don't let the "Dire" completely pull us down.
I saw this post in different ways this week and most of them simply said:
Sun is not cancelled
Relationships are not cancelled
Love is not cancelled
Reading is not cancelled
Devotion is not cancelled
Family is not cancelled
Kindness is not cancelled
Imagination is not cancelled
Compassion is not cancelled
Singing/Music is not cancelled
Hope is not cancelled

Interesting that in many of these similar posts had "Hope" as the last thing not cancelled. We need hope.
You need not be a believer or religious to appreciate that Hope is needed in times like these and there are some verses that I believe are timely not only for now but the future and good for whenever we need a boost of encouragement, a glimmer of hope, little miracles.
Lord, sustain me as you promised, that I may live! Do not let my hope be crushed.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord; their confidence and hope is in him
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

All acts of hope open themselves to scorn because they seem impractical, failing to conform to visible reality. But in fact they are the reality that is being constructed but is not yet seen.
It is not easy to act in hope because most of the immediate evidence is against it. It takes courage to act in hope. But it is the only practical action that survives the decay, despair, frustration of the moment.
May these thoughts propel your weekend with the thought to hope even if it's hard.
We are all in this together!
Because, Hope is not cancelled!!

#ForwardFriday #Hopeisnotcancelled #anchor #firm #Secure #Blog #speaker #littlemiracles #littleglimmers #grateful #Donotgiveup