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Forward Friday… New Year’s De-Cluttering Sessions……. What’s On The List…..

Writer's picture: MillsmanMillsman

So we are almost 2 weeks into 2022 and I’ve been working on a few things to go lighter.

Yes, no more turkey dinners, crazy cakes and pies but Kelly said something before the new year that got me thinking and I wonder if we’re not in the same boat in some way, shape or form..

Forward Friday is about some of the de-cluttering we all must do at some point in our life; some de-cluttering is much easier than others but a necessary action and deed if we are going to move forward in ways that helps us and those around us in a positive manner.

Let’s Go!!!

One evening in mid-December, Miss. Kelly was looking over my shoulder as I was going through some emails in the Living Room. Yes, I should have left business emails until the next day at the office but well, I’m guilty on all counts!

Anyway, Kelly asked how many emails I had in my inbox. I said unread, 474 and in total, I wasn’t sure but I knew it was a boatload full.

You know when you get that look; like, “What’s your problem buddy?”

You know when you get that look; like, “What’s your problem buddy?”

After hearing about how Kelly always has her email inbox and subsequent folders clean and lean, I decided to take a closer look at my emails.

So don’t hate but when I looked at my personal email (Gmail), I had over 21,000 emails sitting in the inbox and other folders……yikes

My business email was slightly better; 13,000…..

I can hear the smack in the back of the head now…

What were you thinking? What were you waiting for; snow in July? Well, not that….

But I decided that it was time so right after New Year’s weekend was over, I got to work on my personal emails. Happy to say that there are only 30 emails and most of those are just waiting for responses.

And when I got to work this past week, I started on that decluttering activity and there are only 3 emails presently.

And while emails are not the biggest deal in the world to have to deal with, it did get me thinking about some of the real life, real world points in our life that may need a declutter.

So here are a couple of De-Clutter Items that are worth taking an introspective look at.


Do we have hatred in our heart? Most times, hatred doesn’t start out that way but something or somebody did something and like fumes unless checked, hatred has a way of seeping into our hearts, minds and spirits.

Poison isn’t always something we eat or drink – it can be an emotion. And hate is one of them, eating us up inside leaving destruction in its wake.

Hate is a mighty strong emotion. This mental venom can pollute our spirit, poison our soul and trickle into all of the relationships that surround us.

Anyone who has found themselves wrapped up in the arms of hate knows how damaging and mind-consuming it can become.

Words matter and even using the word carries power, particularly if it comes from or to a friend, a family member etc.

Maybe it’s a good time to ask some fundamental questions to ourselves about hate.

Does hate have a place in our life?

Do we embrace any feelings of hatred toward ourselves or anyone else? I used to hate myself secretly when I was at my heaviest; couldn’t bear to look at myself in the mirror but it still wasn’t right.

If we do have some hatred issues looming in our lives, it’s always a good time to address this negative feeling before it becomes something much more dangerous.

It’s been said that Hate, when left unchecked, will drain our spirit, tarnish our soul and darken our days.


This 2 months has created some hard and harsh feelings between people, families, co-workers etc. I was in a zoom meeting a few months ago where people were expressing their reasoning’s for not wanting to forgive people.

People we don’t even know: One person suggested that because said people weren’t doing what they wanted, no forgiveness.

Sometimes, we struggle to forgive people because we think or feel that:

They’ll think they got off easy and do it again

They hurt me, so we can’t forgive them

What they did was horrible, and they shouldn’t be let off the hook. It would be unjust to forgive them

They don’t deserve it; they haven’t even repented!

They don’t seem to care one way or another if they’re forgiven

I was hurt too deeply, and I just can’t let it go

It’s Been Said Many Times Over But Well Worth A Revisit About Forgiveness.

Forgiving someone is not the same thing as ignoring something evil that a person has done. It’s not excusing it either. Instead, it’s seeing the horrible thing that has been done, cut off of all excuses and extenuating circumstances, and choosing not to hold it against that person or get even with them.

Letting go of the desire to get revenge or get even when we forgive someone doesn’t mean that there will be no consequences for people’s actions. It also doesn’t mean that we should trust that person again. We’re simply letting go of the desire to exact revenge.

We’re simply letting go of the desire to exact revenge.

It’s all spiritual, our lives that is but here are some common sense everyday reasons why forgiveness is so important for us.

Healthier relationships.

Improved mental health.

Less anxiety, stress and hostility.

Lower blood pressure.

Fewer symptoms of depression.

A stronger immune system.

Improved heart health.

Improved self-esteem.

One Last Thing: Living In The Present

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Isaiah 43:18

Unforgiveness keeps our mind set on the past. Living in the past robs us of the joy in the present. We have to figure out a way to live in the now so we won’t miss out on the blessings each day if the eyes of our heart are fixed on past offenses.

Boy, I needed to figure that out years ago. Stuck in a place for far too long. Lesson was learned lying a hospital bed realizing that the most important person that had to change was me.

Something Else: One of the most important lessons learned over this past 20 plus months is not to let the government or anyone make us cruel. No matter how badly we would want to give the world and those responsible for the messes we see and deal with a taste of their own bitter medicine, it’s not worth losing ourselves. Thanks Davis

Looking For Rainbows Even In The Middle Of Rainstorms

What about these quotes:

“Life can be a storm, but your hope is a rainbow and your friends and family are the gold.”

“It’s when you follow the rain clouds that you find out where the rainbows are hiding.”

“God puts rainbows in the clouds so that each of us – in the dreariest and most dreaded moments – can see a possibility of hope.”

“Rainbows remind us that even after the darkest clouds, and the fiercest winds, there is still beauty.”

“Praise God for His creative beauty and wondrous power.”

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”

No one can change our attitudes, our way of perceiving things, our way of acting and/or reacting but us. We control that switch.

It would be dishonest to say that in the past 2 months, I haven’t had any dismaying moments or episodes where the rainstorms so to speak held my captivity and it weighed me down.

But I think of 3 people who are the epitome of seeing a rainbow in the distance while it’s raining fiercely.

My mom, the irreplaceable Bumble Bea, Dale, my cohort and best friend for 45 years and Miss. Kelly. Now there are many others who do the same but when I feel like the storm will get ahead of me, I think of these 3.

Mom, who went through all sorts of unimaginable things as a child, teenager, and young adult yet had the sweetest, kind nature that is so rare to find.

Being so dejected, rejected, hurt and disappointed, yet would walk and see the beauty in God’s creation even in the city and say when seeing the glory of His wonder, “I’ll be okay; it will get better.”

Dale, who when going through a seemingly impossible situation, yet would somehow just inwardly know that at some point, it would turn out for his good as long as he keep a good attitude and perspective. Yet, that’s been his way for years.

Kelly, whose childhood was rocked with uncertainty, upheaval and many questions, would say that things would just have to get better, life has to be more than this so that today, even when looking at tough moments, Kelly has this hope that burns inside that helps her always look at the bright side of things even when life seems dim.

I’ll always be amazed at how, even we go for drives no matter how many times we do, nature, the birds, and animals bring a smile to her face…and she finds beauty and wonder each time.

So The Good News Medicine Is This:

The Bible tells us that a man or woman should examine his/her self and see if there are any places and in this case, issues that need to be decluttered from our lives.

We cannot let Hatred, Unforgiveness and not seeing past the rainstorms be the determining factor in how we do life.

And yes, there are moments that will come up against us that will be hard, unbearable at times and it would be easy to get lost in the ”Clutter” areas that could make things worse…

But God is such an amazing Heavenly Father that He not only understands but has many remedies for us but the one most important for this decluttering moment is found in Matthew 11:28-30.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Wear my yoke—for it fits perfectly. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep Company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

So I’m way into this decluttering season; the emails are looking good but I’m more interested in continuing the personal, inside work of decluttering anything that causes me to be less than I was created to be.

Join me on the road to declutter…….




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