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  • Writer's pictureMillsman

Forward Friday On A Saturday.. Feeling Heavy.. Working Through Those "Blue" Feelings…Quarantine 2020

I’ve been talking to a number of friends lately and once we get past the catch up of the complementary comments, the questions start to circle as to how we are really doing.

Things have been said like, “I feel very weary mentally”, “I feel this heaviness I can’t seem to shake”, “My nerves are getting the best of me”, “I feel hopeless and powerless”, “I am fearful of the future”.

And some of these conversations came before the recent protests, marches, riots that came about as the result of the George Floyd killing. And the recent events have, for some acerbated those feelings.

“I feel very weary mentally”, “I feel this heaviness I can’t seem to shake”, “My nerves are getting the best of me”, “I feel hopeless and powerless”, “I am fearful of the future”.

It’s been a crazy time as so much of what we have known and how we’ve come to know it have been shaken to the core so to speak.

This is not a post to indict or speak about how we got here because that would last for days with seemingly no solution or resolution to it.

Simply put, even as we are beginning to come out of this Quarantine Season (whoever thought we could put those 2 words together and meant it), we must be aware of our mental state and emotions and that of our family, friends, coworkers, the people who we have always connected with and have some sort of relationship with.

I was listening to a medical doctor who was saying that even though restrictions are beginning to lift in various regions, after the subsequent sighs of relief, we must be careful of the reactions, delayed or otherwise that could suggest that this time has been heavier on us than we would care to admit.

It has always has been that our thinking will carry us to places we want to go and/or places we may not want to go.

Craig Groeschel says it this way: Our lives are always moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts.

So today, I felt it was important to ask, How are we doing?

Really doing in all of this??

We have had much to deal with in the past 4 months and it’s okay to admit it has been tough.

I had to acknowledge last month as much to myself and to Kelly that this Quarantine/Lock Down and all of the things associated with it really took something out of me for a few days.

I had to take some time to renew my spirit, mind and soul just in time for the last 3 weeks but

I am glad that I did because to acknowledge and admit that we humans are weak and need help is very powerful in getting back up again instead of pretending to be the Super Humans that we are not.

Our world is such that we need time to get our minds straight about what’s really important, to get our hearts and spirits cleansed from the grime and muck of the things that eat away at us so we can get better. To feel better, to work towards being whole again.

We also have to admit that we are a society very uncomfortable with dealing with the things that haunt us, trouble us, discourage us. A society, very uncomfortable admitting and addressing the difficult moments even when we know that we can benefit from taking a look at what may be bothering us.

So today, there isn’t anything new in the waters that you’ll read below but….. If you have been feeling a little low or struggling a bit or maybe a lot, take a look and see if 1 or 2 or even more suggestions speak to you and take a step to change the way you may be seeing things right now.

Most of us know these things; sometimes, it just takes another to point them out for us to get back on track.

Some Helpful Ideas To Combat Those Feelings Coming Out Of The Quarantine

1. Make It A Point Of Rebuilding Connections (If We Haven’t Already Begun)

Facebook, Facetime, Zoom have been a good stop gap measure, (wonder what they did back in 1918) but there is no substitute for person to person connections. As you feel more comfortable, begin to reach out because connections matter.

2. Get Back Into A Normal Routine If We’ve Been Out Of Sorts.

This was something I had to do because of the up and down schedule I had for 3 plus months.

Organize the day and put in some structure because as we put more structure into play, the more our brain will calm down.

3. The Control List

Sometimes, we just need to lay down what we can’t control, and write down things we actually have choices with.

That has been very helpful for me.

4. Practice Mindfulness.

Although our world has been hash tagging #mindfulness recently and it could seem like it's new, the Bible has been speaking to the action of mindfulness and the positive attributes of allowing the truth of the sacred text to speak to our mind in times of trouble.

Example; God is our refuge and strength; a very present help in times of trouble. Even if the mountains go into the sea, we will not fear….

It’s learning to take our thoughts captive and not to give in to thoughts of panic, so we can process our thoughts as we do when we’re not stressed.

5. Reach Out To Loved Ones In Your Life (That Includes Close Friends) Whom You Can Talk To

Nothing more needs to be said except, sometimes, we say we don’t want to bother anyone but we know, it’s better to bother than to sink into a deeper hole if that’s where we are and seem to be going.

Spend time with trusted people that we can share our feelings with.

We must be intentional about being a part of relationships that bring us joy, comfort, hope.

It’s better to bother someone than to sink into a deeper hole if that’s where we are and seem to be going.

6. Don’t Hesitate To Seek Professional Help If We Need It.

It was never intended for us to face our problems alone.

I can attest to a number of times seeking some “Pro” help and the incredible positives that came out of those encounters.

If it comes to that point where a professional could be of help, there is no shame in asking and receiving trusted and solid advice to help us get through what we may be dealing with.

There is no shame in asking and receiving trusted and solid advice to help us get through what we may be dealing with.

7. Be Grateful For All The Blessings In Our Life

So, one of the things that seem to get lost when we are going through a “Low Time” are all the good things we do have in our lives.

Yes, what we are dealing with is not a mirage in terms of how we feel but we must remember to be encouraged by the small and bigger blessings in our lives because…….

It does say that even though we may be experiencing a down moment or sequence, by allowing our minds to remember the blessings, it says we have had and can have upswings/blessings again.

I even sometimes will write down some of the good things so when I have had moments of doubt or those “Blues” moments, I can look back and speak to my present and say and know that it’s not forever. Things can change and for good again.

So some simple yet proven ideas to help us during the “Heavy” feelings moments.

As we move out of restrictions, we need to take care of ourselves and not be afraid to admit we might need help if we have had or are experiencing some “Heavy” moments.

A couple of reminders from the sacred text about relationships and connections.

A friend is always loyal, and a brother/sister is born to help in time of need.

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.

I hope if we find ourselves in a vulnerable situation and we feel down and “Heavy”, if it’s only one step in a positive direction, then take it and trust that it’s not always going to be like it could be now.

Maybe this post could also be helpful for someone you know and care about; please pass it along. We’ve all been there and the moment will probably come again at some point so we know the feeling; let’s spread hope, warmth to the one in need.

Better days are coming….


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