It’s coming if its already not here…. The holiday shopping faces…. We’re coming up on American Thanksgiving and Black Friday.
You know those faces that have their bags full, wallets empty from buying those can’t miss presents and gifts but look like Santa and the elves punched them square in the mouth!
I find it fascinating that malls are full of a lot of grumpy people buying things to make those they love and care for feel appreciated but look miserable doing the supposed good deed!!!
Forward Friday simply looks at taking the time to be thankful in every season of our lives, even the not-so-great ones for all the blessings we have. Sometimes, it is the smallest thing that can set us straight and cause us to remember being thankful in every occasion.
For some of us, this time is hard because we are facing a battle of some sort; I know what the struggle is like in these moments but if we can see one thing in the same moment to be thankful for, it does help even when it’s not easy.
And as always, there is good news medicine at the end!
Let’s Get Into It!!

Do you ever use lists?
I’m a list guy!!!
I have my to do list at my schools,
My lists when I have my catering events… by the way, if you live in the Montréal area and you are looking for some “Good Food” for an event, Millsy’s can be your next go to place… Just throwing it out there!!
I have lists for sports
I have lists for vacations
I have lists for my sideline ventures….
Probably the most important list and it is not on paper, but it is my gratefulness list.
We all have a list of some sort and in my mind, American Thanksgiving is as good a time as any to give thanks for what I am thankful for. Even if I'm Canadian eh???
I am Thankful For My Family

Although I don’t get to see most as they live in Bermuda or other parts of the world, I am truly thankful for them. Thankful that digital communication bridges gaps that allow for closer contact albeit not in the physical sense.
Thankful for my brother who is a pretty cool guy…
I Am Thankful To Have the Ability to Work
I’ve realized that except for a 6 month period because of back surgery way back when, I’ve always worked.
I’m thankful that I’ve had the opportunity to work in different fields, genres with all sorts of different people and it has helped my view of the world and people.
I Am Thankful For My Side Ventures

It’s one thing to dream about something or want to possibly do something to enhance or grow an area of our lives but it’s another to actually see those things come to pass.
As mentioned above, there’s Millsy’s but there’s also refereeing. It was something that I had to set aside years ago but started again 10 plus years ago and I love it.
To interact in another facet of hockey while still playing is rewarding. And who doesn’t love a good sheet of ice anyway???????
I Am Thankful For The Ability To Dream

I believe that I’m just getting started in terms of some exciting ventures to come so now’s the time to dream, put the dream down on paper, pray, build and see where it will one day go.
But the opportunity to see in the mind and spirit what can become a reality is a precious gift and I am determined to see as dad would say, “If aiming for the sky gets you the lamppost, then go ahead and aim!”
I Am Thankful For Friends-Tribe

What is that saying, “You can choose your friends but not your family!” I know it well and have been blessed to have called many friends and still do.
Some leave, some depths change, some stay for a long time, some never to depart (I’d like to throw smoke at that comment, but I’ll stop), some are short stops, but we can gain from the many friendships we encounter on this journey we call life.
I Am Thankful For Kelly

Almost 26 plus years later and still going strong. I am thankful for the girl I call “My Brown Eyed Girl”.
There is so much I can say about the Hawaiian Norwegian Vortex but of the many things I could say is Kelly’s resilience.
If you knew what she has faced and dealt with over the past 4 plus years and has handled life with grace, tenacity and with hope, you would understand how I appreciate and admire her determination.
Very thankful for Miss. Kelly.
And Now For Some Good Medicine……
I Am Thankful That I Serve A Good God

When I think that for me/us, He didn’t even spare His Son the ultimate sacrifice so we could truly live, well, grateful and thankful is the very minimum that I start saying thank you.
I think of the many low moments and besides all of the above thankfuls, I am so grateful and thankful that Jesus never turned his back on me….
When religion and men/women made Him out to be less than what He truly is, when many have gotten a view of a mean old man, counting our mistakes all the time, making life hard for us, punishing us with sickness, disease, the truth is, He’s always been good and still is Good!
On Thanksgiving Weekend, Here Are Some Good Medicine Truths…

Psalms 103: 6-12 God makes everything come out right; he puts victims back on their feet. He showed Moses how he went about his work, opened up his plans to all Israel. God is sheer mercy and grace; not easily angered, he’s rich in love. He doesn’t endlessly nag and scold, nor hold grudges forever. He doesn’t treat us as our sins deserve, nor pay us back in full for our wrongs. As high as heaven is over the earth, so strong is his love to those who fear him.
Psalms 34:8 Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see— how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him.
Nahum 1:7-8 God is good, a hiding place in tough times. He recognizes and welcomes anyone looking for help, No matter how desperate the trouble.

John 3:16-17 “This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted;
It's hard sometimes to see things to be thankful for when life throws its shots. When Mom passed away 4 years ago, that first 18 months seemed like 1 step forward 2 steps back but over time I have had more peace to cover the pain and while the ache of missing mom never really goes away, I still have joy in my heart, and it is not an earthly joy that does it.

So I’m glad that God thought enough of me do all that He has so that I can be grateful not only for Him but all the other thankfuls in my life.
What about us? Even if it’s only one thing, sometimes, one thing is enough to hold us together until we see some daylight in our lives.
So, time to pull out the list and whether great or small, not only is it a good thing to be grateful and thankful now and in the upcoming Christmas season but all through the year!
It may sound cliché but it is true for us to practice and “Attitude Of Gratitude”..
I’m working through my list; who’s with me???

Happy Thanksgiving
#ForwardFriday #ThanksgivingThankfulness #ThereIsAlwaysSomethingToBeThankfulFor #Friends #Job #Dreams #Visions #SideVentures #Blog #Speaker #Family #GoodGod #Gratitude #Attitude