It’s hard to believe that we are a month out from Easter and to me, Easter has always meant Hope!
Even more so this year, with all we have had to live and walk through, Easter represents spring, death to life, the end of the winter season and hopefully the end or near end of this virus season we’ve contended with.
Leading up to Easter weekend for Forward Fridays, we have some thoughts that will hopefully be not only something to cheer us on and up but will be good medicine for our hearts, minds, and psyche etc.
So Let’s Get Into This!
Fear is a strange thing; many times when we stand back after a fear episode in our lives, we sometimes see that we could have handled something a little better or that we didn’t have to be as fearful as we were…… but in the moment.
Having had a number of conversations with friends concerning this pandemic, the fears that have arisen have been hard to deal with for many.
Grandparents not seeing the grandkids for 9, 10, 11, 12 months because of fear that has been relentless so we become afraid. We legitimately want to keep those in higher risk categories safe but this has been a drain on so many…
People who normally are sociable get edgy when anyone gets “Too Close” and the list from this period of time can go on.
Unfortunately, the most common emotion in the lives of human beings is fear.
Fear, by definition, is a response which finds ways to avoid threatening danger.
Fear is that reaction when danger threatens. Then there are the irrational fears (fears that go beyond the scope of common sense) we often call “phobias.”
Phobias are common to all sorts of people. Psychologists name more than 200 of them—each with a technical name. Many fears are really superstitions, but all phobias are very real to those who fear.
Fear Has Far Reaching Effects
Wrong kinds of fear can produce harmful effects.
Fear can produce paleness of skin, rapid heartbeat, an upset stomach, and nervousness. It can cause high blood pressure and arthritis, and intense fear can even lead to blindness.
This does not mean that everyone suffering from these physical problems is a victim of fear (and lacks true faith), but fear can be the springboard (the starting point) for many physical ailments.
The physical effects of fear can be serious and devastating, but it is also serious to realize what fear can do to our psychological, emotional and spiritual condition. Fear can lead to instability, unhappiness, and a lack of contentment. It is the enemy of faith. It saps our spiritual vitality and it can paralyze the soul.
But… There Are Ways To Start Overcoming Fear… Here's But A Couple…..
Don't Figure Things Out By Our Self.
Whatever problems we're facing now, they will only amplify if we isolate ourselves and think we can handle it all on our own. If that's us, our first move is to reach out and seek community and support. Then process with trusted friends, a counselor, loved ones at our side. We aren’t weak when we do this; this is the beginnings of gaining strength.
We aren’t weak when we do this; this is the beginnings of gaining strength.
Be Real With How We Feel.
Confession is important. Don't deny our feelings--they are legitimate and they don't make us weak or broken.
Once we embrace our feelings and come to terms that we need help with where we are, it`s an amazing thing when we allow community and those that care about us help us as we deal with our emotions.
Be OK With Some Things Being Out Of Our Control.
Many times, our worries are a direct result of the fact that we're not in control of everything. The things that are in our control, we can manage just fine.
Sometimes, we need to take the foot off the gas pedal, take one thing at a time, and focus on what's immediately in front of us. Many times, this helps to ease some of the discomfort we experience when anxiety starts to kick in.
Practice Self-Care.
I’ve realized over this last period of time that there have been many times in the past where I didn’t take care of me.
It’s fine and a good thing to take care of others but if we don’t take care of us, sooner or later we fall flat and fear loves to come in when we are at some of those weak moments.
I realized that I needed activities that would bring me peace and joy, things that put bounce back in our step.
My mind, body, and spirit needs to be taken care of.
What are those things that we love to do?
Any hobbies that have been buried for years?
Exercise is a big deal for me and even though gyms have been closed, I get workouts in at home and it helps.
What about the food we are putting into our bodies?
I know that my relationship with God matters so much when it comes to fear so……
Finally…….. Some Good Medicine
It would be easy for me to be overly fearful, but instead of panicking, I need to remind myself that I don’t have to be paralyzed by fear.
Working through fear, here are a couple of things that are keeping me from spiraling out of control.
We aren’t promised a life free of pain.
The Bible doesn’t promise us a life free from suffering.
John 16:33 NLT says, “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows…But take heart, I have overcome the world”
On the surface, this doesn’t seem encouraging.
In fact, it seems like this truth would actually make me more afraid, but for most of my life I convinced myself if I did all the right things I could control the outcome of my life.
Suffering and sorrow, in some form, is promised. Nothing I do will stop suffering from happening. I take comfort in this because it removes the idea that I have to take constant control over my life.
So instead of frantically worrying and trying to control everything, I can step back and take a deep breath because only God is in control of my life.
God Is The Source Of All Joy And Peace.
When I begin to worry, I remember Psalms 46:1-2 which has been bedrock and even when I`ve been tied up in knots so to speak, somehow this quietly speaks to my heart, working to quell the storm in my mind, soul and spirit.
God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.
So, even if my fears do come true, I know God is with me, and I know in him I can have joy and peace.
Even during this crazy time and hopefully we are closer to the end then even the middle, I’m going to take a step back and trust in him.
I’ll Probably Also Continue To Wash My Hands A Little More Than Normal, But I Know I Don’t Have To Panic Because My Faith And My Hope Rests In The One Who Is The Source Of All Love, Hope, And Joy.
Sometimes, we need the faith of a child to help us when the Fear Factor is looking to overwhelm our minds….. Here's a little story to send us into the weekend in a good way..
Many years ago, a mom and her four-year-old daughter were getting ready for bed one night. The child was afraid of the dark. When the candle was blown out for the night, the little girl caught a glimpse of the moon outside the window—and she said, “Mom, is the moon God’s light?” “Yes,” replied her mom “God’s light is always shining.” The little girl said, “Will God blow out his light and go to sleep too?” Her mom responded, “No, swettheart, God never goes to sleep.” Then, out of the simplicity of a child’s heart, the little girl said, “Mom, as long as God is awake, I’m not afraid.”
Walking Along The Road To Easter With You…. A Little More Faith And A Little Less Fear….
#ForwardFriday #Fear #FearNot #ParalyzingFear #Breathe #BeReal #GodIsOurRefuge #SelfCare #GoodMedicine #OkayWithNotBeingInControl #TheSourceOfAllJoyPeace #blog #speaker