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Writer's pictureMillsman

Forward Friday… Pivots on a Saturday.. Be Kind.. Quarantine 2020 Reflections..

Today as we end this, another strange week, things as we have known it for the past 2 plus months are slowly starting to shift.

The pattern of quarantine we have been in is slowly beginning to change with some trying to hold on to the reins of what has been while others are bucking to get out of the "shelter in place" mode that has been the norm for 8 weeks and a little.

It is the unknown in part that is creating tension on many fronts and it is hard to know what is the “right”, not so right, could be the thing or things to do as we begin to pivot into another pattern of normal.

It is hard to know what is the “right”, not so right, could be the thing or things to do as we begin to pivot into another pattern of normal.

It is clear that at some point, our communities were/are going to have to begin the process of reopening and the struggle in how that would look/is going to look, the struggle of having been in quarantine has created friction and frustration in many.

Concern over, “Will I catch the virus?”, the many who have suffered the loss of a loved one due to Covid or passed away during the pandemic and the ability to say goodbye has been completely altered.

The short fuses in many people have been amplified.

I have been at grocery stores more than once where a fight was fixing to break out in the bread aisle, the front line in to the store, at the cash, even at a takeout restaurant window. And that’s only what I witnessed because that list is endless...

In the month of April, the Suicide hotlines in the United States saw a 1000% increase in calls! I can’t even fathom that number but it is real and happening.

So the point is made that we are beginning to see some pivot moments or in some places, will be in a pivot moment(s) soon or a little later but people are being stretched in ways that few have seen or experienced.

The question is or the thought progression is: As people and their governments are trying to figure out how to ease back in to a new normal, what should be the temperament of personal me, personal you?

It’s to be kind.

What should be the temperament of personal me, personal you? It’s to be kind.

No matter your outlook and view of where we are, how we got here and where we go, it is to be kind to each other in the pivot.

Pivots are small moves that carry big implications and for the purpose of this little thought, it is about personal responsibility and how we act and react to each other as people.

So some of this posting are things I’ve been thinking about and a few are others that a friend gave permission to repost so here are some thoughts to think about as we are in the pivot or will be in pivot mode in the days, weeks and months to come.

The “Pivot(s)” will probably have different looks and adjustments as we move through the moments to come so we should be anticipating that those moments will happen so as to not surprise us.

Be Kind

Some people don’t agree with reopening.... that’s okay. Be kind.

Some people are still planning to stay home.... that’s okay. Be kind.

Some are still scared of getting the virus and a second wave happening....that’s okay. Be kind.

Some are sighing with relief to go back to work knowing they may not lose their business or their homes....that’s okay. Be kind.

Some are thankful they can finally have a surgery they have had to put off....that’s okay. Be kind.

Some will be able to attend interviews after weeks without a job....that’s okay. Be kind.

Some will wear masks for weeks....that’s okay. Be kind.

Some will be reticent to shake hands, give a hug etc long after this time has past... that's okay. Be kind.

Some people will rush out to get their hair or nails done.... that’s okay. Be kind.

No matter how you feel about the politics involved, please be kind to those whose opinions are different from yours.

Please be kind to those whose opinions are different from yours.

The point is, everyone has different viewpoints/feelings and that’s okay. Be kind.

We each have a different story. If you feel better to stay home, stay home. But be kind.

If you go out, respect others when in public and be kind!

It’s hard to judge fellow humans because we’re not in their story. We are probably all in different emotional, psychological states than we were months ago. So remember, be kind

I was in a hardware store this past week and one of the clerks was a former student of mine. He remarked how people have been mean spirited, almost angry like in their treatment of he and his fellow clerks like they were the cause of the pandemic and resulting effects.

He needed to vent and I was glad that I was able to be there for him to do so but it showed how frayed, frustrated, scared and vulnerable so many are becoming.

It showed how frayed, frustrated, scared and vulnerable so many are becoming.

But as we pivot in all the ways that change will bring out of this pandemic and those changes may look like, it is so imperative that we be kind to each other in all the ways kindness needs to be coming out of this.

So that we can all heal in the ways that we may/will need healing for.

A few quotes on kindness; I want to be one who shows kindness because goodness knows we need it always but especially now.

“Kindness is giving hope to those who think they are all alone in this world.”

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world”

And you can always, always give something, even if it is only kindness!”

Kindness is doing ordinary things with extraordinary love.

For all of our sakes,

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