Oh, the friends we keep. You know those like this line from Winnie The Pooh!!!
“‘Are we going to be friends forever?’ asked Piglet. ‘Even longer,’ Pooh answered.”
And this line: “There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.” In my case, Ice Cream!!!!!!!

Truer words have never been spoken..kinda… or in the case of black cherry gelato ice cream, eaten…
Forward Friday takes a look at quality and in this case friendship. There are many sayings that have been said about and concerning friendship but what is certainly true is how the company we keep has much to say about a lot of the trajectory of our lives. And as always, there is good news medicine at the end!!!
Let’s Get Into This!
Growing up as a kid, I would see and hear my dad talk about the friends he had.
I would hear him talk about his friends from his formative years and how, even as they got older, they remained close and would talk often.

I can hear dad know talking with Alton and George on the phone, the laughter, the serious talk and how every time, he’d come away renewed and refreshed from those conversations.
Even better when they would come to Montreal for a visit or we would go to Bermuda on a family vacation.
Those boys would get together, and it was like old home week!!
Dad also became friends with a doctor at the hospital he worked at and they became real close brothers in arms.

Dr. Wegan had us over to his house countless times and dad and the doctor would talk about anything and everything in between all the time.
I think the clock was the only reason why we didn’t regularly camp out there…
Dad would say that the making, cultivating and growing of quality relationships would have incredible benefits for us if we could see or grasp the ones that would enhance our life.
I think the phrase that I’ve come to adopt as my all be all when it would come to those types of relationships are/is, “They are good for me”.
I had spent time with a friend a little while back and when we were leaving, I said to him that “He was good for me!” It’s always been that way but I really noticed it this time……….

What are some of those “Good For Me” qualities that I believe are enhancers when it comes to the type of quality friendships we need in our lives?
(I hope I do the same in return)
Good For Me-Integrity
When we walk with the one who lives and moves with integrity, it is a noble thing.

The one who walks or positions themselves in line with their values and commitments. With resilient moral principles, their life lets one know they know the difference between right and wrong and will speak when those principles are infringed on.
I know I appreciate the friends who live like this because I don’t have to guess how it is with them; they are the same way, day in, day out.
Good For Me-Dependability

These friends show up when the bell is rung and even when it’s not, they keep promises, do what they say and say what they mean, and take a stand with and for us. In this age, there is no time for drama, depends on which way the wind is blowing friends.
No one is Superman or Superwoman in every phase of life but these friends are “We Can Be Counted On” types...
Good For Me-Trust

When we can be most free to speak our heart, soul, mind and the honest exchange of ideas, thoughts, feelings has no barriers, well, we have found something worth investing in and growing.
That there is a safety to be ourselves and we are in a safe place to be the whole being that we are, it’s a wonderful thing.
Good For Me-
Not Afraid To Say What We Need To Hear Sometimes...

Over the years, I’ve noticed that some friends like to “Tell What You Need To Do” but they can’t handle the reverse… Or they haven’t walked a lot of roads with us but want to dispense “What they think” often and quickly.
The consistent, “Good For Me” friend is the one who, because of relational connection that runs deep knows or has a feel to say things at the right time that we need to hear.
Many times, the evidence of whether or not they’re good for us is in how we receive what was said.
Often times, there are some things said by someone to us who is not close to us and it could have some truth but the same thing said by the one we call friend finds a nesting place, even when the words seemingly could hurt. There is a marked difference.
Good For Me-We Feel Good When We’re Around Them

There’s just something about being around them; there is a joy, an anticipation, an expectation that it’ll be worth the moments to spend time with them.
There is something special about the moments with them.
And There’s Always Good Medicine….
There is a friendship that few rival and that story of friendship found in the Bible is the one of Jonathan and David.
Most would say that they know the story of David defeating Goliath, but most wouldn’t know of the enduring, powerful friendship that came in the middle of discontent and conflict.

Jonathan and his armor bearer took on and defeated 20 enemies and this victory caused the enemy to shrink away in defeat.
So Jonathan was a man of war so he was older and this young man, David walks into the king’s palace.
David would come into the palace to play his harp to soothe and calm King Saul when he was tormented.
It was after some of these visits that Jonathan and David became tight or as the Bible would call it, “One in Spirit”.
I can just imagine Jonathan seeing this young man coming in, harpist by night, incredible warrior by day but he wasn’t jealous; in fact, he had a keen discernment that David had a heart for the God and His purposes.
Jonathan’s father, King Saul hated David because of his incredible exploits and on a number of occasions tried to kill David.
But Jonathan’s love and friendship of and for David was of a covenant, bond, promise nature.
2 Friendship Takeaways
1. Friendship Is A Gift From God
We have been granted the privilege to make, grow and cherish friends in life, Jesus even taught by example the blueprint for quality friendships. He offers us the greatest friendship imaginable!

John 15:13-15 There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me.
2. A True Friend Is..Well….True….
Proverbs 17:17 A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.
Jonathan didn’t escape trouble or had issues even to the point of death for his friendship with David. His dad tried to kill him. 1 Samuel 20:32-33
Yet that didn’t stop Jonathan from being a heart and soul friend.
And David’s love and friendship for Jonathan continued long after Jonathan’s death by taking care of Jonathan’s descendants like he would his own…
It’s a beautiful thing to have quality friendships; they make life sweeter and walking the road of life purposeful, supportive.

The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help.
But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.
Part #2 drops next week; cherish the quality friendships; I plan on growing mine this weekend!

#ForwardFriday #QualityFriendships #TrueFriend #Friends #LifeIsSweeterWithFriends #Blog #Speaker #FriendshipIsAGiftFromGod #GoodForMe #NotAfraidToSpeak #Integrity #Dependability #Trust