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Forward Friday… Quality Minds Part #2.. Don’t…Give.. Up.. Now…. Progress 2023

Ever see those races where a runner pulls up with a cramp or injury and they weren’t that far from victory or completing their race?

The ones that seemingly speak more are the ones where they somehow willed themselves to do everything, they could to get to the finish line, despite the obstacle(s).

Forward Friday is the encouragement not to give up when it could seem like the most logical, easy, less stressful way to go. But there is something about not giving up that has so many wonderful byproducts that in the face of all odds, we take a step forward. And as always, there’s Good News Medicine at the end!!!!

Let’s Get Into This!

Ever had those days or weeks where there are some things that happen that would want to knock us off our feet?

Here are a few funny quotes about bad days…

“I busted a mirror and got seven years bad luck, but my lawyer thinks he can get me five.” Steven Wright


“There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full.”


“Some mornings you just feel like breaking that crazy loud alarm but then one thing always stops me. I paid hundreds of dollars to buy my phone.”

Those quips are humorous, but the reality is, tests and circumstances can be difficult, challenging and at times, can take our breath away.

I was thinking of a dear friend who recently lost her husband after a long illness.

Sometimes, the grief has been tough to want to keep moving….. And its understandable but he wanted her to not stop living. And she knows that.. but it’s hard when you’re alone….

The friends who, in the past few months have either separated or gone through a divorce.. The idea that there was a foundation of family that was being built and now it crumbles like sand through their fingers…

Those who are dealing with illnesses, financial problems, setbacks at our jobs, personal issues and the list in some respects could appear to be endless…..

It could seem like the only news is the bad side, the rough moments but there is more……. And maybe some things that can help us not just get over whatever “It” is but we can get through it…..

Grateful For What’s In Our Hand..

Probably one of the hardest things to do when we go through tough times is being thankful and grateful for what we do have in our hands.

It’s not like we are grateful for the problems we are facing but what we have despite the challenges.

I find that and am finding that when I take the time to reflect on what I have in my life; family, friends, abilities, gifting's, remembering the victories won in the past, my perspective begins to change and while the moment is still not easy, there is this glimmer of hope that trouble doesn’t last always..

You’ve Got A Friend! Talking Helps…

Connecting with friends and family when we’re going through tough times can help the stress load, give us some perspective, or just plain listen and be a shoulder to lean on, cry on etc.

To have one(s) that we have in our life that are trustworthy, kind, caring and help carry the load we’re walking with. We don’t have to feel like we face our problems alone, we draw strength and build strength from having those trusted inside our circle to help us through the moments.

And I’m so glad that when we stand with those who are struggling, we don’t have to have all the answers but willing to be present, willing to listen and encourage...

Now For Some Good Medicine

Prayer Matters… Prayer Is A Difference Maker..

Sometimes, the 3rd thing should be the first thing we do but at times, because of past ideas about whether God cares or not, we sometimes hold back on probably the best thing we can do when we feel like giving up.

So why consider praying?

Genuine Prayers Can Bring about a Change, shift.

Jeremiah 29:12-13 In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.

God clearly tells us that if we call out to Him in prayer, He will help us through difficult times. There are many stories recorded in the Bible of situations turning around and problems being resolved through prayer.

God’s love is comforting, and we can experience that comfort which can help us when we pray, and prayer can help us see the big picture of what we are going through.

Isaiah 26:3-4 You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.

Psalms 62:1-2 I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken.

There are no magic words for when we want to talk to God about anything but as we are talking about not giving up, here are a few simple, short prayer starters that we can use to start a conversation with God.

There is no magic in the words, but it begins from the genuine heart and then proceeds from what we say. The Bible says, “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”.

Dear God, I’m grateful that when people leave or it seems like I’m all alone, you never left me even when I didn’t realize it.

Even I have felt like I was abandoned and even by the ones I thought would never leave, I am thankful and confident and can know that you are with me.

Father, my cares and worries sometimes overwhelm me but I know I can come to you, and you care for me.

When I feel like I’m alone, remind me that I’m not alone. Remind me that you care deeply for me and have my best interests at heart.

God, I thank you that even when I don’t feel like you’re there, you stand with me, and I accept your strength today.

I am so glad that if I put my trust in you, you can help me through and overcome this moment and other challenges I’ll face. I’m grateful that you love me like you do.

The Things I Think:

In the age of social media platforms, at times, we generally only see the happy moments in a person’s life.

But it is equally true that behind the smiles sometimes, there are challenges that we face that at times, no one knows about.

These past 2 months have been challenging for many different reasons, but I am making it my mission to:

Not be despondent or upset about some of the challenges.

Remind myself that God doesn't change in the challenges we may be facing.

God is with me all the time. He is the same One who walked with me in my victories, and He is still the one walking with me now..

A few more thoughts to help us as we consider gaining strength in our sails so that we don’t give up.

Hope itself is like a star — not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity. – Charles H. Spurgeon

“Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don’t have the strength.” Theodore Roosevelt

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.”

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. – Dale Carnegie

If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all. And so today I still have a dream. – Martin Luther King Jr.

Remember, if we are worn or weary, He sees us. We are not alone. We are not forgotten. He/God is with us there in the circumstances.

He is working and moving on our behalf. We can find help and refuge in Him. He is that high rock that we can always look too when overwhelmed to find our way through and out.

The words to this song lend itself to not giving up and breathing; even when it seems hardest to do. These words speak to me. I hope they do for you too.

This goes out to the worried, This goes out to the stressed Sorting out a million thoughts running through your head To everyone that's waiting, For better days ahead Tired and frustrated and leaving words unsaid Please don't hold your breath
Just breathe, 'Cause it's a miracle we can breathe There's power in the way that we breathe, Release your heavy burdens And let everything that has breath, praise the Lord This is why we have breath, so praise the Lord

No plans to give up now…. Joining me? I’m walking the road with you!


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