Forward Friday recaps the week's thoughts of not becoming indifferent when we see the needs of people but rather engaging with our heart, hands & feet and our soul..
We truly can make a difference if we look at others the way we would want others to treat us!
Check Out Our 3 Videos below!!!
Let's Get Into This!!
Video Recap # 1 The Blind Spot Of Indifference Engage The Heart:
The Blind Spot Of Indifference Engage The Heart: Let's not be the ones who stand off to the side and seem to show a lack of interest, concern or sympathy when others truly need us.
Video Recap # 2 The Blind Spot Of Indifference Engage Our Hands & Feet:
The Blind Spot Of Indifference Engage The Hands & Feet: Let's not be the ones who stand off to the side but maybe it's time to do something about it.
Video Recap # 3 The Blind Spot Of Indifference Engage The Soul
The Blind Spot Of Indifference Engage The Soul: Let's not be the ones who stand off to the side but maybe it's time to do something about it.
Engaging beats indifference every time.
Engage.. The Heart
Engage.. Our Hands & Feet
Engage.. Our Souls
Engage.. Our Thinking Capacity
Everything Changes.. When We Engage...

For Change