Forward Friday Recaps the week of Voices: it really does matter the voices we listen to.
Whether they come from the voices from the outside or what we hear in our head, it makes sense to monitor and filter out the negative, the bad, the fears so we can live life to the fullest!
“Silence the voice of doubt and fear, and listen to the voice of possibility.”
Check Out Our Recap Videos below.
Let's Get Into It!
ReCap Video # 1
Voices In The Ear! What We Listen To Matters..
“Our value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see our worth.”
ReCap Video # 2
Voices In The Head! What We Listen To Matters!
The internal dialogue we engage in matters greatly, for it directly shapes our emotions, behaviors, and perceptions of the world.
This inner voice profoundly impacts our self-image and how we interact with others.
By considering our thoughts, we can identify negative patterns, manage stress, make conscious decisions and the Good News is that Jesus can help us through the moments.
Our inner monologue is a powerful tool given by God, and we can move forward with wisdom and intention to grow positively.
I'm excited about my future and who and what I listen can make the difference in our lives as we move forward!

#ForwardFriday #TheVoicesWeListenToMatter #Blog #Speaker #SpeakLife #Value #SliencingDoubtAndFear #Sightlines2025 #RaisingLevels2025