Ever heard one of those sayings that sound nice but sometimes seems hard to do?
Here’s one!
If we’re controlled by our circumstances, life is going to be a roller coaster with ups and downs. God wants us to be stable, consistent, not moved by any of these things. When we face an adversity, when we hit a tough time, one of the best things we can do is simply stay calm. Keep our peace…hmmm.. sometimes easier said than done.
Forward Friday compels us in this last Christmas pilgrimage of 2022 to look at the stable of Bethlehem and consider that stability was born in that outside, not exactly what a King would sign up for manger. But it’s the very thing that makes the difference in our lives! And vas always, there’s good news medicine at the end.
Let’s Get Into This!

Everyone at some point looks for some type of stability.
Maybe we got tired of all the crazy relationships and instead of choosing the “Dangerous One Again”, we decided that stable looked better.
Maybe some of the sporting or adventure activities we once needed for that adrenaline jolt now has dissipated into more reasonable modes of life.. (I’m not there yet)
Maybe chaos has been a reoccurring theme in our lives, and it has worn us out and we are looking for stability to even life out some…………
Christmas can be unstable for many.
Isn’t it interesting how sullen, agitated, frustrated, downright angry people are in the malls and stores at times?
I mean, sometimes I want to say to some people to give me their gifts because I’ll take it gladly as their face and attitude says how much they are off!!!!!
Sometimes, it’s the instability because we or other loved ones are facing sickness or there has been a recent loss of family or friends and we just feel like we are off…unstable….can’t quantify it.. instability throws us off.
Some Thoughts About the Stability of the Stable.

One thing the manger says to us—Jesus is inclusive.
Everyone can approach a manger. Everyone can approach Jesus. Everyone.
The only people who can’t come—those who are excluded—are the ones who think they don’t need a stable, too above the need of the help that comes from the stable, or too proud to bow their knee.
These types of people have trouble with Jesus. Sometimes, I’ve been that guy.
In fact, too many times…
The Stability That We Can Bank On This Christmas Season And Throughout The Year Are These Things...
So Here Is That Good Medicine.

Jesus says come, no matter our past, no matter our pay grade, no matter our persuasion about anything.
Simply come. The stable is stable because we don’t have the power to change us from the inside out but Jesus came to do all of that and so much more.
We can’t earn His love, we can’t work for His love, and it is not just up to us to get it right because He is the only one who is Right.
Genuine freedom and stability begins when I stop trying so hard and lean desperately into His limitless grace… and face the stable.
So, mistake ridden, missing of the mark man that I am—yet, being transformed, shifted, adjusted, rearranged and given life by His power—I make my way to the manger.
I come to bow at the animals’ rugged food trench that has now turned into His throne of blazing, incredible glory.
My head spins with the thought that I can come with humble praise.... All because at the manger, He included me.
Where I looked at my life in the past and realized how unstable I’ve been, my stabilizer has been the King who came, born in a stable to give me stability for a lifetime!
What a trade!!
It was said long ago, that Valor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul.
But what do we do when we feel that we have no strength to stand?

The Stable brings stability because of who came to the manger.
Like the face on the front of a dollar bill, the name brings value and it means everything and in this case, The Stability of the stable is Jesus!
So here we are; on the brink of another Christmas....

Some of us are lonely....
Some of us are hurting from the loss of a loved one or friend........
Some of us are worried because employment and finances seem to be wreaking havoc on us..
Some of us are frustrated, angry, mad, disappointed, disillusioned and the list goes on...
Some of us are excited for what has been and what is to come...
No matter the way we arrive at this moment............
The Baby of the stable brings stability to and for us no matter where we find ourselves this Christmas season. And we always get to choose.......
It deeply impacts me that this Christmas season, the reminder is that Jesus came for me/us! A profound and incredible truth and the great thing is, because Jesus is approachable, we are free to come to Him!

Make it a Christmas to remember.. Maybe we choose stability this time.....We don’t have to be afraid!
Last Thoughts: I Read This Excerpt From This Writer This Morning.. Simple Yet Powerful!
"The whole concept of God taking human shape had never made much sense to me. That was because, I realised one wonderful day, it was so simple. For people with bodies, important things like love have to be embodied. That's all. God had to be embodied, or else people with bodies would never in a trillion years understand about love." — Jane Vonnegut Yarmolinsky
The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.” Luke 2:11-12
May this Christmas not only warm your heart but that the Stable of the manger bring you joy and stability all the year through!
Merry Christmas as we walk the pilgrimage of Hope to the Stable!
