So we decided to take a break from the Blind Spot segments and focus in on the festivities of Thanksgiving and all things associated.
We were with a number of students volunteering at a senior’s residence this week and it was interesting to hear some of the responses elicited from the students during the morning.
Some were shocked when they were told that more than half of the seniors never get a visit from a friend or family member. A few because there is no living relative in the area but most because no one bothers to come.
The staff member said that for some, they haven’t seen a young person in years.
For some, they haven’t seen a young person in years.
The one student said that it made her realize how much she takes things for granted. She just figured that people come to the residence to visit all the time and then to hear otherwise, well, it just blew that narrative out of the water for her.
Interestingly enough, we were south of the border last weekend and the early Black Friday sales had started.
It will always amaze me that some people who are buying gifts for whomever can be so miserable in the process. I mean, I’d almost want to say, don’t give me anything if it’s coming from that type of spirit.
If it bothered you that much to give me a gift, maybe you’d be better off to keep it because there is little or no care in giving the gift.
The attitude of the one giving the gift is as important as the one receiving the gift.
Or the arguments that ensue at stores.
From the families arguing over the “Thing” to buy
People in line or in aisles about to freak out over someone in front of them who is moving slowly or not at all and the stack is about ready to blow….
How about the checkout line being long and you hear the deep sighs and mutterings under the breath (not really Under the breath) and the heat is rising because well, don’t you know I have places to go, people to see, people to buy for??? (That actually happened last weekend)
Ever seen those Black Friday fights over merchandise? 4 people holding on to a TV box and the war is on.
Are we a grateful people in spite of what we may or may not have?
If we didn’t get what we thought we wanted, will we still be grateful that we were thought of in terms of the gift?
I’ve heard and seen where a gift was given out of the goodness of the heart and the blow back was “Why This?”, “I'm Not Impressed?” It’s funny because many would have been thrilled to have received the gifts that were given to that particular person but having a heart of grateful seemed to be elusive and conditional.
Is North America a grateful continent only on our respective Thanksgiving holidays or does it translate throughout the year?
I think we all, if we were honest have had a moment(s) where being thankful or grateful was the last thing on our minds.
I remember when I started college, that Christmas, my parents bought me a leather briefcase along with the requisite socks and underwear.
I was frustrated (quietly but my mom noticed) and went to my room to have a little pity party.
My mom came in and explained that they saved their money to get me a superior briefcase that would last the test of time of my post-secondary career.
Man, did I feel horrible and right away recognized how ungrateful I had been when they were thinking of and for the best for me.
I realized over time that some of my angst at times was because others would get a whole lot of stuff at Christmas and while I would seem to get the usual; it’s funny how I appreciated over time that we didn’t have a lot but we had everything!!!
So here are a few things to help us be grateful not only on a holiday weekend but throughout the year..
Let’s Not Be So Fussy: Appreciate Everything
Gratitude/thankfulness doesn’t have to be saved for the “big” things in life. The habit of being grateful starts with appreciating every good thing in life and recognizing that there is nothing too small for us to be thankful for.
Find Gratitude In Our Challenges
Gratitude is not only about being thankful for positive experiences. In fact, sometimes in the negative or difficult situations can help to really pin down what we have to be thankful for.
Jot Down Some Gratitude Moments That Are Meaningful
Sometimes, it is helpful to write down positive moments to help us focus our attention on some of the good that has come our way. Sometimes, writing things down, sending a thank you note, text, email, gives us no choice but to consciously think about the words we write or type when we have a grateful spirit and outlook.
Volunteering Is A Good Thing
For some, thinking about serving others helps us increase our levels of gratitude as we give back to others in our community. Many times in giving back, it causes us to be more grateful for the things that we may take for granted.
A young man said to me this week that he felt it was easy for me to talk to about gratitude when everything seems to be easy for me: as I told him, actually, I am having to practice “Gratitude In The Challenges” right now and while it’s not easy, I do see and appreciate the good in my life!
I hope you can too!
So Happy thanksgiving and being thankful matters…… Dave