Forward Friday begins the Encouragement Series...It is a well known fact that we as humans need encouragement as we walk through life.
It helps us in so many areas of our life....
It's hard to feel down when we receive encouragement.
Some say that it even lightens their step!
Encouragement builds belief and confidence and it really lifts the spirit.
Let's Get Into This!!
Check out this week's video post below.
The Things I Think:
When it comes to encouragement, I can think of no other story than a man I know who came home from the Vietnam war with burns over much of his body, and lost an eye.
In the army hospital ward, there were wounded soldiers who, when wives or girlfriends came and saw their broken bodies, when they would turn and walk away, most soldiers died shortly thereafter.
When his wife saw him, she basically told him how she was so happy he was home so they could start their life together.
He made it through many surgeries and they had a marvelous life together.
The power of encouragement really matters!
I'm looking to encourage someone this weekend; how about you?
Pt#2 next week!! Attitude-Celebrate!!!