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Forward Friday.. The Encouragement Series.. Finale.. Action.. Truth... Momentum Moments 2024

Writer's picture: MillsmanMillsman

My dad was the ultimate encourager. The things he did when no one was looking still astound me to this day.

He would always say, "There will never come a day when another act of kindness or goodwill will become too much!" "Everyone can always use an encouraging word or action to make their day better!" And he was true to those words.

"Everyone can always use an encouraging word or action to make their day better!"

Forward Friday, one more time wraps up the Encouragement Series and it is a call to action and getting a grasp on truth and the One who is the ultimate Encourager.

Maybe this is a great time to, as Spring is finally here to rededicate ourselves to becoming the best encouragers we can be by taking action where we see a need for it. And even when we don't, let's do it anyway. And as always, there's Good News Medicine at the end.

Let's Get Into It!!

Here's The Video Version Of Today's Post!

Of all the things that I could think of the moments my dad was an ultimate encourager was the tale of 2 sisters.

These sisters had come from Ghana and settled into the Montreal area in a nice apartment in the city.

Not a month in to living there, the entire apartment complex went up in flames and the little they did have was gone in a moment.

They resettled into a new apartment 2 weeks later.

One evening, in the middle of the week, they received a knock on their door.

When they opened the door, there was my dad and another man from our church who, when they heard about the sister's plight, decided that they would need a fridge and a stove so they went out and bought them the appliances!

The sisters didn't know how dad even knew where they had moved to but dad just said to them at the door, "We thought you could use these!" "One less thing to worry about!"

It is clear that encouragement promotes a call to action. I believe that when our hearts are turned towards the idea of how can we help, encourage, cheerlead the way for people, it will do some things.


We see the needs of others in whatever way shape, or form they present themselves and it causes us or should cause us to want to do something to help in whatever way we can.


I have found in my own life, when someone believes in me and by words and deeds show it, it makes such a huge difference.

I've had places I've worked in where I promoted some who, based on other opinions didn't seem like they were a fit but given the chance and the encouragement to say yes, we believe in you, they were never the same and have gone to new heights in their lives!

All because someone not just thought about what they saw but activated the belief button so to speak and their lives grew in leaps and bounds.


To have the backing of someone who not only believes in us but exudes that confidence to the point that we internalize and believe it to be true, that's a winning combination.

How many people would do anything for someone to be in their corner to encourage confidence so they could grow to where they were supposed to get to.


Not just a Positive Attitude as in mere words but the ability to encourage others to the point that they're outlook changes and I dare say brighten. Sometimes, we need some outside counter balance when all we can see are grey skies.

Could you imagine a world, a community, people who embrace meaningful encouragement that is given and received? It can happen but it takes you and I determining that we will as opposed to I think I will or I just hope with no action.

And The Good News Medicine This Weekend Is....

Truth Needs To Be Revealed..

People are scrambling in some way, shape or form for truth and the reality is that truth should be able to change our hearts, minds and spirits and put us or direct us into paths that make our lives better and count for something more than a feel good moment.

I mean Barnabas, as we've talked about in the past couple of weeks was an encourager with a purpose.

Acts 11:23-25

Barnabas wasn't just spouting off some nice wordy jingle or some fuzzy, momentary feel good words; Barnabas was sent as an encourager to the church because this church had found new life in Jesus.

Barnabas' prime motivation was to be a cheerleader, a motivator, who was aware of who they were and what they needed.

He believed in them, inspired confidence in them, his bright, positive attitude rubbed off on them as they found the truth and were beginning their new life as believers.

I think to sum up in plain terms what was so exciting that Barnabas would come, ignite this group through enthusiasm and encouragement to grow in their new walk of faith would be simply this:

A German Proverbs says, If God were not willing to forgive the sins of a man/a woman, the missing of God's own mark/Standards, Heaven would be empty.

That's something to be excited about and who would want to keep that to themselves!!

What's this next week going to look like?

I want to be one who, because I want to be an encourager, doesn't need much to get active in coming along side someone and encourage them in any way I can.

Because when I think of the goodness of God in my life and all that He's done for me, I can do no less!!

That's my plan; how about it?




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