If it is true that one of the greatest gifts in life is friendship, there must be some nuances to those friendships that makes it special.
Forward Friday takes a dive into friendships that matter. Winnie The Pooh said, “I knew when I met you an adventure was going to happen!” And I think some of the great adventures of life are best lived with a friend(s). And as always, there is good news medicine at the end.
This will be fun!!

“I knew when I met you an adventure was going to happen!”
Let’s Get Into This!
I had the privilege of taking a couple of days away to visit some friends this past week and on my last night, I was trying to say in words what my friend meant to me.
Now if you know me, I am never at a loss for words but being sentimental and sometimes emotional, the words were not coming out quite right if at all.
I finally said the next morning, you are the “consummate friend!” Normally not the adjective readily used but when I thought about my friend, that’s the word that came out.
For me, consummate meant, Skilled, competent, talented, caring.
And then the more I thought about it, more adjectives popped into my mind and these ideas meshed with the "consummate" idea that I couldn't get out of my mind.
You are the “consummate friend!”

Listen to this: these friendships move in alignment with their values and commitments. Strong moral principles guide them, know the difference between right and wrong, and will speak or act when principles are violated. They know themselves, behave and speak in ways that are consistent. Because of this, we can believe in them even when we disagree with them.
We Can Trust Them
A friendship that matters speaks with honesty from the heart with good intentions. They tell us what we need to hear in a way that we can hear. A quality friend is trustworthy, not only are our secrets safe with them, but so are our vulnerability, fear, and wackiness.

A friendship that matters show up, keep promises, do what they say they will do, and stand up for us. Life and time doesn’t give us the luxury for fair-weather friends. That doesn't mean a friend is perfect by any stretch; they aren't superheroes any more than we are. A friend can make mistakes, but we know that we can rely on them.
Blind loyalty has never been in vogue ever... But, in the Friendship That Matters, when integrity is a core value, these friends are likely loyal to those friends they care about, who have been with them through ups and downs.
They have empathy for others so it’s not only in our relationship that we see, feel and know it but how they also treat others. ...
Good Listeners
Good listeners are essential in relationships/friendships that matter; The room to speak, ask questions, validate emotions, help us find perspective and good at helping us see things in a new light.
Confidence Is Contagious

Being okay in their own skin is powerful and They are secure and comfortable with us.
True confidence inspires us draws us out, pulls us up when we feel we don’t “Have It” and time spent with them makes us feel confident to take on the world.
Spending time with them makes us feel good.
Good Medicine Moments

Friendships have a spiritual component to them so it does really matter who we are connected to. Our moral life is intimately connected with the friends that we make. One could argue honestly say that one of the first moral choices that we make is the choice of our friends.
We cannot be so naïve or green to think that peer pressure (overt or subtle) stops when we have passed the formative years and become adults.
One could argue honestly say that one of the first moral choices that we make is the choice of our friends.
There were spiritual writers from the late 1500’s who were saying that people shouldn’t form close and special friendships because they thought that these friendships would set us off course from our life’s destiny.

It was argued then and the argument bears repeating that this is bad advice because the life that we lead has many a moment where the path that we walk could lead to sudden downfalls and we do need others to hold on to as we walk out our life’s journey.
The path that we walk could lead to sudden downfalls and we do need others to hold on to as we walk out our life’s journey.
If it was argued then that we need Friendships that matter, how much more so now and if there indeed is a spiritual component to our friendships and to our lives, we need the type of friendships that can help us get to where we need to go.
Spiritual Friendships

In one of my recent devotions, this story was the headlining thought.
One of the most endearing deep friendships that could be pointed out as a powerful spiritual friendship was the friendship that existed between Jonathan and David.
Even though Jonathan was the son of the ruling king (and so, the natural heir), he looked out for David, even protecting him against the wrath of his own father, Saul who tried to kill David. In this way, Jonathan ensured that David eventually took over the throne.
That Jonathan’s deep bond of friendship was so deep, so complete that he side-stepped his opportunity for power and rulership for the bond of friendship that he had with David.
Jonathan and David—Soul Friends

1 Samuel 18 By the time David had finished reporting to Saul, Jonathan was deeply impressed with David—an immediate bond was forged between them. He became totally committed to David.
From that point on he would be David’s number-one advocate and friend. Saul received David into his own household that day, no more to return to the home of his father. Jonathan, out of his deep love for David, made a covenant with him. He formalized it with solemn gifts: his own royal robe and weapons—armor, sword, bow, and belt.
The Things I Think:
I’m thinking that I want to grow and deepen my friendships, both the inner circle friendships and the many other types.

I know we cannot be all things to all people but it is important to think in ways that we can “Spur Others On To Good Works” as the Bible says.
I know I feel this spiritual calling to deepen the friendships that I have and to look for opportunities to grow new ones.
If there is one thing I’ve learned and something dad would say about friendships is this: “Friendships that matter are like fragrances that lift the heart and soul.”
“Friendships that matter are like fragrances that lift the heart and soul.”
I want to be like Jonathan; a covenant bearing friend and the tribe I run with and in are like the friendship David and Jonathan had. What do you think?

Walking the road of life with you because Friendships Matter………..
#ForwardFriday #FriendshipsThatMatter #Covenant #TribeTalks #Integrity #Trust #Dependable #Loyal #GoodListeners #SpiritualFriendships #Blog #Speaker #ConfidenceIsContagious #GoodMedicineMoments