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Writer's pictureMillsman

Forward Friday: The Legacy Strength Of A Backbone... Courage To Stand Alone...

We can learn a lot from nature; the way ants work, bird migration formations, fish (salmon) swimming upstream. There is a danger to swimming upstream; the current is against them, predators waiting for the ambush moment, but there is a bonus at the end when they make it. The Forward Friday is about the courage to stand alone, even when the winds of the day appear to be gusting in only one direction. But like the salmon that swims upstream to spawn, we can become much more fearless in the areas of life that are not easy if we dare face the wind...stand...and keep walking... Let’s Get Into This:

This time has been fragile to say the least and in many cases, if one doesn’t fall in line with some of the prevailing thinking of the day, one could feel like being on the outside looking in.

But if we are to be governed by our conscience, then maybe sometimes it may not be a bad thing to be standing alone.

Cases in point: here in Canada, the government is spending millions of dollars on an advertising campaign to tell Canadians how systemically racist we are. We have Critical Race Theory which propagates that everything should be viewed through the lens of race.

In fact, many who hold this view espouse that white people are born inherently racist. Besides the fact that we should have a new acronym for CRT and we could call it, “Coherent Rational Thought”, the assumption is false that people , particularly white people are born racists. While there are racial issues that rear their heads in facets of society, we have created an atmosphere for more discontent by pushing this illogical view. I know I could and should feel conflicted because I am of mixed descent so what side of me is racist and which is not? And no one rarely talks about it but to be clear, racism is not a one sided street because there are racists in every creed, nationality and color of skin.. Yet, the strength of a backbone means that sometimes, we must walk against the wind and not allow the prevailing thinking of the day determine our steps..

It is troubling to see the covert, overt pressure being exacted upon people regarding the taking of the vaccine or not by friends, family, co-workers, leaders in different fields, the carrot dangling of enticements, the threat of not having the liberties as those who are vaccinated.

It is interesting that the government(s) who took away the liberties in the first place is now saying that unless we do this thing, we don’t get back what we had before? Interesting.. This is not a critique for those who have vaccinated as we live in a society or we should live in such a society where freedom of conscience reigns, the same ability should be afforded those who choose with their conscience a different route. Besides the ramped up talk of doing it for the next guy/girl, if the guy/girl chose and decided to vaccinate, the next person’s decision should not affect that one because that person is protected. Or so we are told. At the end of the day, we must live with our conscience and decisions and those decisions should/must be respected in as much as they could be directly opposite to what another may do.

Sometimes, the strength of the backbone means that our walk in and against the wind could be and many a time very lonely but to be able to look oneself in the mirror, head held high and at peace means that courage must grow from the inside out.

Courage is also sometimes having the ability to admit when we have made a mistake or had the best of intentions and the outcome didn’t turn out as we had hoped.

During the George Floyd riots, we wrote a post and in it talked about some of the incidents that happened to us.

What was intended to say that we understood what it was like to have discriminatory incidents happen to us, the impression received was that of a victim by the comments, the sheer number of views (the most of any post in 2 ½ years).

What was interesting was that 4 subsequent posts were designed to look at solutions which garnered barely a ¼ of that original post.

The other thing that I realized in writing that post were the omissions that didn’t get in.

Like the fact that for every incident that was negative, there have been 10 positive moments that have enriched my life.

That wasn’t said and I regret that oversight but it is never too late to get something right or corrected.

In this victim laden age, yes there are things that happen to us at times that should never happen but to balance the picture, we need to talk about the positive moments that enrich and help us and to help and encourage others.

Courage takes strength and in this day and age, a backbone is needed to stand against the wind, especially when it’s not comfortable to do so.

In Every Season Of Life, There Are Backbone Walk Against The Wind Courage Moments That We Must Face And Decide To Move Forward With/On.

Things Like:

The Relationship That Demands A Shift, Change, Adjustment…

The Job Situation That Is Causing Flux.

The Weight Issue That Keeps Getting Pushed To The Side.

Here Are A Few Everyday Courage Acts We Can Practice

The Ability To Say We Are Sorry/Blew it

It takes courage to admit when we are wrong. It’s a bold act to admit when we make a mistake. To say we got it wrong takes us out of our comfort zone. It’s A Big Deal.

Be Ourselves

Who we are is a gift to the world

Learning To Say No

Refuse to hold back when our gut says to move forward.

“One of the most courageous act is still to think for ourselves”.


We should stop staggering over what could have been. Forgive ourselves. Forgive everyone. What happened is over unless we keep it alive by reliving it in our mind. When we know better, we do better. It takes courage to move forward. It doesn’t mean we allow ourselves to be run over again, but we choose a different outlook.


Listen to people who disagree with us. Listen to family/friends who think we may be wrong. Listen when we only want to speak and give advice. Listen and be thankful to others for sharing. There are always lessons to be learned, even in uncomfortable spaces.

Learn From Our Mistakes

Reflect On What Went Wrong And What We Could Have Done Better. Look For The Lesson In The Wind. Choose To Grow Forward. Be Compassionate. Make A New Plan. Refuse To Give Up.

Some Good Medicine To Help Us Into The Weekend

Our uniqueness will many times feel like awkwardness until God at the right time shows us the relevance of where we’ve been and where we are going.

There is a learning curve to being okay being the only one in the room so to speak.

The Wishbone will never experience the benefits of the Backbone.

Be strong and take heart, all who hope in the LORD

"Courage is contagious. When a brave man/woman takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened."

We need courage in every facet, corner of our lives. It isn’t easy going against the wind when it would be so easy to go with the wind….. But sometimes…… The Strength of the Backbone of courage demands different.

It isn’t easy but we can become more fearless if we dare to walk into the wind….Walking with you….


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