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  • Writer's pictureMillsman

Forward Friday Thoughts In The Time of Covid-19.. Making A Difference..Ideas Worth Thinking About...

The World we are living in presently is a crazy one. In the time of Covid-19, nothing is normal right now. Things are upside down and it has taken its toll on many. From the antsy, frustrated, the anguished, the bored, this has not been an easy time.

Some are taking their frustrations out in stores on clerks, cashiers, security who are doing their job and what they've been instructed to do but the nerves are showing. (I might add though that some who act like this most probably were like this pre-Covid-19 although it is no excuse for bad behavior)

We are in a place where people have lost their lives; those fighting for their lives, those who have fought and recovered, bereaved families and friends and relieved ones of the same.

Of course, while no one wants to see any succumb to this virus (I have had friends and friends who have had a family member or close friend pass away due to this virus), I have to say that it makes one recognize about what really matters and how we do life.

It can change and I hope question our values and make us less selfish people.

Even though old habits die hard, these past few weeks have helped many of us realize that maybe we can do life a little differently when we come back to some sort of newer normal.

Things Like: This Life We Live Has Always Been About "We" and Less "Me"!

Realizing we can each do something presently (like isolating ourselves, wearing a mask in public, and maintaining a safe distance from others) to possibly help prolong another person’s life or keep them safe is impacting.

We don't know who we are coming into contact with and by being respectful to other's potential struggles means we are considering others in this struggle we are fighting universally.

We really can make a difference.

I think selfishness sometimes grows because we figure we can’t make much of a difference on our own, anyway. Today we can.

But will we have a short memory months from now and forget that we are really "Our Brothers/Sisters Keeper" and forget that "We" will always matter long after the "Pandemic" has run its course?

The corona virus pandemic is beginning to make us more aware of others and how we can help.

And whether we like it or not, it is making us a society that is less independent and more interdependent. It's always been this way; it seems like we didn't notice or pay attention to the distinction.

People offering to help others with groceries, prescription pickup, and meal delivery.

There is a "more" of a focus on “How can I help?” than “How will this affect me?”

this time should make us less selfish.

There is a "more" of a focus on “How can I help?” than “How will this affect me?”

Many are getting on social media, singing songs, telling funny jokes, stories just to brighten up someone else's outlook and boy do we need it!

I have been doing some silly comedy shows on Facebook and you can see that I'm trying real hard....

But you get the picture...

People Really Matter

How many times have we put work or a busy schedule over time with friends and even family? (Sometimes, it couldn't be helped but often, we've been guilty)

The many precious moments have we missed in life because we were so concerned about the work deadline and that other thing that couldn't wait than the people in our lives who should have been our priority?

We all need family, friends, those that really complement our lives. And we may be learning that now, more than ever.

I've been reflecting on the little things that we often take for granted.

I've been missing the weekly gatherings at church and the banter with friends that always leaves us laughing and thinking the next time will be better than the last laugh but that was 8 weeks ago.

I was thinking about the day trips with friends across the border to spend time hanging out and going to Chick Fil A for supper but that was more than 6 months ago.

I'm glad I went to to visit my best friend after wanting to and saying I wanted to and actually following through because if I waited until the perfect time, well, that wouldn't be happening right now.

Maybe when things go back to a kind of normal, that productivity check off list will matter less and some of those I wish I could come to the Family Function, Social Event, Mom's House, Games Nite, (Fill In Our In The Past Reasons), will be less the norm and we will make people the priority again because as was stated before, People Really Matter.

Maybe this slowdown will make us less selfish and more aware of what matters most in life: Our relationship with God and our relationships with people.

I think this pandemic is teaching us that spending time with others is not a distraction or a waste of time. Maybe Moses’ song in Psalm 90:12: “So teach us to number our days" is more meaningful.

Maybe When We Do Pray, We're Not Just Praying For Me

I've noticed among even those who would not consider themselves religious that there is a swell of thought that we are not just praying for our own situation any longer but more often than not, there is a concentration of offering up prayers for those who are sick, fighting the virus, families of those who have lost a family member or are in vigil for their loved ones, the first responders, doctors, nurses, stores that are open so that we have the supplies we need etc.

Maybe our once "dead eyes" are opening in meaningful ways to those around us and we could be seeing what God sees and we want to be part of the solution and if it is to pray for hope, life, health, then it's not just me standing in the need of prayer.

Maybe, just maybe our once "dead eyes" are opening in meaningful ways to those around us...

I Am Grateful

I like to move and get around. I like my sports, I like to be able to get up and go and do when the moment presents itself.

This pandemic has caused a lot of things to come to a screeching halt.

Whether it had to be this way is not up for debate now, just that it is.

What it has done is cause me to be very grateful and thankful for all that we do have even at this moment.

We have TV, computers, internet, games, Zoom meetings, music, still measured ways to connect albeit not the way we may want it but we do have it.

For the most part, we can go for a walk, ride a bike (almost there weather wise), go for a ride in the car if we have one but most of us have a few options even in the middle of the pandemic.

I hope and I speak just for me that when we get back to the normal and what that will look like, will I be grateful? Will we not be comparison shopping with what others have and be more concerned with being grateful for what we do have and have been blessed with?

I hope and I speak just for me that when we get back to the normal and what that will look like, will I be grateful?

Maybe it's time for me to pray more for you and others than for me; the less I see me and more of others, the less magnified my problems become. It's not that I neglect myself but being truly concerned for others enriches our lives more than we think.

What may appear to way off is actually right side up!

People Really Matter and "We" is important.

When I was child, my dad would sing this song at church and it has been ringing in my ears this past 2 weeks and I think it speaks to this post and the time we find ourselves living in.

The $10 question will always be after this time has past and we are in a seemingly regular pattern,
"Will we have forgotten this time and go back to the way it was or will it be a different me and you?"

Time will tell but I have Hope because Hope doesn't disappoint us!

Brighten your Corner!


Brighten the corner where you are! Brighten the corner where you are! Someone far from harbor "you" may guide across the bar; Brighten the corner where you are!

Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do, Do not wait to shed your light afar, To the many duties ever near you now be true, Brighten the corner where you are.

Here for all your talent you may surely find a need, Here reflect the bright and Morning Star; Even from your humble hand the Bread of Life may feed, Brighten the corner where you are.

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