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Forward Friday.. Time Is A Legacy... Legacy Moments

I can hear Dad saying, “Son, time waits for no man” and the implications of that comment seem to ring more true today than the many times he said that in the past.

Maybe it’s turning 60 that has got me thinking about time more but truth be told, I’ve always thought about time, the legacy of time and time is a legacy and I want to be a good steward of the time I’ve been given.

This Forward Friday is an encouragement to make the most of each day and not just settle for que sera sera, whatever will be but to have intentional moments about what we do with time so we can be positive life giving people no matter where we are.

Let’s Get Into This!

Lyndon Johnson once said, “Yesterday is not ours to recover but tomorrow is ours to win or lose” and sometimes, we can look back about the misses, errors, omissions, faults and pain without realizing that we can learn from the past but not live there.

This spring, I felt like I was losing steam working out at home and there was this plateau that I was not shaking. So by a certain sequence of events, I found a wellness center that has really invigorated me as well as beginning to take care of some old injuries that have been nagging me.

I have something to say about my health so to make excuses can’t cut it so making the most of time, I am feeling much better on the way to being fitter.

This was a little video from last summer working out at a Kettlebell Club. You have permission to laugh and did you see those flat feet???

I’ve had some dreams that I’ve wanted to see happen yet I think there was this nagging thought that would it work? Could I make a sideline love grow into something of value?

Around Easter, I had an epiphany and it was that there was no time like the present and MillsysFood was born. The official roll out is coming soon but around Easter, I knew it was time to create a legacy moment and it aligns with my heart of bringing life to people and in this case, through Good Food! Catering Good Food!

There are always blessings.. Even in a pandemic. One constant in my life is that I’ve always been busy.

Never one to just sit around but some things have suffered because of that “Get After It” mentality.

In the early years, Kelly would say that she felt like a single person because I was always on the conveyor belt of being “Busy”.

It’s changed over time and at the beginning of the shutdown, I prayed for the wisdom to learn one thing in the mess that I would take with out of it and grow and run with.

Quality time with Kelly has become a focal point and a non-negotiable moving forward as we soon step away from this crazy period of time.

Some of my sideline activities will come back into play but I will not lose the “Quality Time” grown over this past 15 plus months.

There are other dreams that I believe are coming but these things excite me about the future and the legacy and the preciousness of time presently.

So, Legacy Time moments don’t just happen but we have a valuable, creative part to play in the process.

Here are but a few ideas to think about leading into the weekend….

Making The Main Thing The Main Thing

Is there a something(s) in this season of life that matters most that will help us in determining what will occupy our time presently?

I have a short list in this present season of life I am in that looks different from some years ago but it boils down to what is important to me/us..

What’s important? Family? Spouse? Serving our church or community? Getting our blood pressure under control or losing 20 pounds? Finishing a degree? House remodeling or ready to sell? Getting in shape? Establishing our own business footprint? Getting a better grip on our finances?

Whatever actually matters most to us; make it the main thing.

Write It Down/Type It Down

I have this pretty cool day timer app on my phone; the functions are incredible…. As long as I use it. One of the features is that I can put notes in, and I can go back and adjust or change whenever I need to. But it’s only as good as what I put in to it. it's interesting reading things from 2 years ago; some things have happened, others still in process but it's there to help me in the thought progressions.

We could go to a seminar to get a professional talk to us about long term/short term goals, visions and that’s well and good but I ask myself; “What Beats Deep Inside My Heart?” that no seminar can bring out save give me some tools on walking it out or at the very least charting those ideas out?

Does anything keep me up at night, or even in the day dreaming about what could/can be?

MillsysFood is still in its first legs but it excites me to see what could be….

There are some other visions of what can be and while they are still in ground waiting to be fertilized into a reality, I am making notes so there is the formation of a blueprint. That blueprint will probably look different as the seed begins to bloom but there is a framework for legacy to happen.

I am profiling a missionary for our church in the coming weeks and this may be an encouragement for those of us who may feel like we are not like the high profile types, the famous, the ones who seem to get the acclaim all the time.

How we live counts to those we rub shoulders with so it does matter how we live out our legacy of time.

This missionary is on the other side of the world, working with some of the forgotten peoples of the world but because of what he has done and still does even at his advanced age, boys and girls have been able to live in homes, get an education etc.

It makes me think that with just a few determined tweaks, I can learn to better manage time so that it In the end, it all comes down to learning how to focus on the few things that are most important and eliminate the rest because "Time" waits for no one.

And yes, it’s easier said than done, but making a conscious decision paves the way for change and we can live a life of legacy in our corner of life.

The Crazy thing is, if we were truthful, the legacy of time and how that plays out in our life isn’t easy at any point in our life but thankfully, we need not walk this legacy of time life alone.

So For Some Good News Medicine

The Good News: We can’t always rush in life, because God has a plan for us and there is time for everything. We can’t always recklessly make our decisions without guidance, counsel and inspiration.

The Good News: It’s easy to get frustrated about current situations and believe that things used to be better before. This irritation can often lead us to miss the mark set out for us, so we can’t sit in the past too long.

The Good News: Don’t worry about the things that haven’t happened yet. Live in these moments now, and leave our worries for tomorrow.

The greatest tool of redemption that God can give us is time. Reclaiming Time.....
No matter our mistakes, we can change, it can be different.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; ...

Psalms 90:12

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.

Psalms 31:14-15

But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hand;

Ephesians 5:15-17

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time.

So, the legacy of time; I don’t have handle on it just yet but I am working at it.

Walking the Time Legacy with you…..


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