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Forward Friday! Unsung Heroes Installment #17 Another Lawyer In The Family. Bruce Swan Associates..

So we are back for another installment of Unsung Heroes.

Now more than ever, it is important to focus our attentions on stories that will encourage us, enlighten us and also sensitize us to, about and for people.

Most people go about their daily lives doing what they do and many if not most times, no one takes notice but if they didn’t do what they did………

Our communities I dare say would not be better off if these unsung heroes were not there.

The fatigue of this period of time has worn on so many so some real stories of everyday people can be just the right medicine to help us raise our eye levels a little bit past this 6 month grind of Covid, political uncertainty etc.

So this Forward Friday Unsung Heroes installment #17 goes out to my cousin, Bruce Swan who is an up and coming lawyer in Bermuda!

I should say not only up and coming but already leaving a mark in the community at a young age and having his own practice.

Bruce like so many others are doing their part to impact the communities they live in and we want to celebrate Bruce in this installment….

So, Let’s Get Into this!!!

So my relationship with Bruce come by way of marriage as Bruce married my fun loving, slightly weird and crazy but oh so lovely cousin Headilene a few years ago and they have been on the ride of lifetime ever since!!

After meeting Bruce a number of times, I can truly say that Headilene has a great one!!!!

Bruce grew up on the island of Bermuda and from an early age, even if he didn’t know he would be a lawyer one day, his taste in TV shows gave the world a clue as to what to potentially expect one day from Mr. Swan.

While Bruce was a regular kid growing up; having fun with the neighborhood kids, he would say he liked watching TV with his grandmother.

I bet that not a lot of those kids or anyone else for that matter would say that one of his favorite things to do was spending evenings with his grandmother watching a crime TV show. Bruce still has an amazing relationship with his granny but it was the show they watched all the time that caught my attention. It was watching Matlock.

That’s right, you read correctly! Andy Griffith’s Matlock!!!

But like most kids, he had the regular kid type haunts i.e.: video games, playing sports and having a good time with his friends.

Even today, don’t get Bruce started on playing any Play Station 4 games; Bruce likes to think he’s a pro but a little birdy said that he’s more middle of the pack.....

Bruce has a lot of varied interests to keep life interesting, meaningful and fun.

Bruce loves music, and even though driving in Bermuda isn’t a 4-5 hour excursion, Bruce loves to get in the car and drive and feel the ocean breeze go through his hair… even if it’s not a lot of hair to talk about.

Bruce loves family and spending time with both sides and has become a household fixture in Headilene’s family.

There are always some indelible moments that mark a person and in Bruce’s case, there was the moment he decided he wanted to become a lawyer.

For Bruce, that moment turned and became a decision to become an attorney when he participated in a debate competition at Dellwood Middle School.

I particularly can understand that idea as debate class in grade 8 & 10 history classes definitely made an indelible impression in me.

Bruce’s school career began at Elliott Primary School, Dellwood Middle and The Berkeley Institute all in Bermuda.

But like many professions, for some higher learning, one has to leave the Rock to pursue further studies.

Overseas, Bruce attended Niagara College and he obtained his Advance Ontario Colleges Diploma in Business.

Lake Head University receiving Bachelors in Administration and then University of Leicester for his law degree.

One of his first jobs as a Former Assistant manager to Warehouse Manager at John Barritt & (Coke Cola). I think we should have received some free pop for that stint!!!

Bruce later became an Associate Litigation Attorney at Apex Law Group Ltd.

It is quite exciting to have another lawyer in the Mills clan!

And then what became very exciting was the day not too long ago when Bruce decided to march out on his own, become a small business owner and launch Bruce Swan and Associates; his own law firm!

Bruce had another momentous occasion when he was called to the Bermuda Bar Association on February 1st, 2020! That is a big deal!!

For me, what makes Bruce an unsung hero is this: when Bruce worked for Apex, he would be one of the lawyers who, on a continual, regular basis would have free legal advice clinics for the community.

Sometimes, when people reach a pinnacle or get to a place they’ve been working towards for a period of time, they sometimes forget some of the things that got them there.

They sometimes forget the “Midas Touch” as I would call it of reaching out and meeting people where they are at and I can tell you that Bruce Swan and Associates have carried on and are carrying on the tradition of helping people where they need it most.

It’s interesting; Bruce has been struggling with an eye ailment recently and while some would want to take a long hiatus to kick back and just relax, that hasn’t stopped him from delivering high quality service and care to his clients and the community he serves.

With a busy work life, Bruce still has time to enjoy some great Bermudian Football (soccer for we, the North American challenged ones) and is involved in many community events around the island.

Bruce loves to travel with his wife and hopefully, that will happen again, loves his in-laws and his own family to the max!

It’s pretty exciting to say Bruce Swan, Lawyer and our cousin but most importantly, Bruce Swan a stand up man who were are proud to say we know!!

We salute you Bruce and thank you for your attention to detail, your commitment to your family, community, your craft and expertise!

It is clear and obvious that you make your clients, the people who are your associates, your family, the people you touch that much better for knowing you!!


These unsung heroes aren’t doing what they do for glory, grandeur or accolades but we need to be thankful because they help make our days, weeks, months better and we are truly better for having them in our lives!

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