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Forward Friday.. Unsung Heroes Installment #18.. More Than Just A Great Brother! Keith Mills..

So we are back for another installment of Unsung Heroes.

Now more than ever, it is important to focus our attentions on stories that will encourage us, enlighten us and also sensitize us to, about and for people.

Most people go about their daily lives doing what they do and many if not most times, no one takes notice but if they didn’t do what they did………

Our communities I dare say would not be better off if these unsung heroes were not there.

The fatigue of this period of time has worn on so many so some real stories of everyday people can be just the right medicine to help us raise our eye levels a little bit past this 6 month grind of Covid, political uncertainty etc.

So this Forward Friday Unsung Heroes installment #18 goes out to my brother, Keith Mills who is one of the good ones!!

Keith, like so many others are doing their part to impact the communities they live in and so we celebrate Keith in this installment….

So, Let’s Get Into This!!!

So, I’ve known Keith for a long time and he’s always been full of life! (Insert Laugh Track) Smart, witty, caring, inventive and is a pretty sharp guy!

Sometimes, my early understanding of life in the Mills house was that Keith gave mom a run for her money.

As I found out later, I was the one that kept mom on the run; Keith would always run into things!!

We spent many a day and evening at the Children’s Hospital because Keith would have run into something and needed stitches or the time Keith spent 6 weeks in the hospital because he had his arm caught in the ringer of the old washer.

That was miserable because I wasn’t allowed upstairs to his room so it was by phone only! But the ice cream and cookies from the auxiliary ladies were killer!!!!

Keith was always one of the best players on any of his sports teams.

As a matter of fact, Keith was scouted for both hockey and baseball as a teenager (it was a time when baseball was King in Quebec) because he was that good but he wasn’t ready for any organizations to take over his life.

Interesting; some years ago, one of his former coaches was in a grocery store I was in and when he found out that Keith was a counselor in a high school helping students, he said that Keith wasted his life…

So I said that it didn’t matter if he was helping kids make good decisions for their future and that was a waste? Priorities!!

School was always a priority for Keith; Keith went to elementary school at Central Park in Lachine, Lachine High School, John Abbott College and graduated from Concordia University in urban planning, sociology and communications.

It was at this time that life took a turn that wasn’t expected but Keith’s professional path changed.

After graduating from Concordia, I was working at Westmount High School and while deciding on what path was next, Keith had passed by the school to visit and it was suggested to Keith to get his substitution card so he could do some subbing until school year’s end which he did.

That same summer, Keith and I were cross border shopping in Plattsburgh (the deals are there; just can’t get there right now) and we ran into our principal, Mr. Meades.

He had been thinking about Keith’s talents and abilities and offered him a job working with me in the counselling department. (In The JC Penny parking lot!!)
We worked together for 5 years in the same office and to say that we were part of an incredible team does not do justice to the community we were a part of.

Keith’s ability to connect with students in many forms became evident quickly.

From academics to sports to clubs etc., Keith could and can do it all and Mr. Meades’ eye for talent, skills and abilities was proven right.

From there, Keith went to work at McDonald High School where he was influential in helping students who were on their last legs school wise find work stages and some of those same students under Keith’s guidance have forged for themselves good careers.

From there, Keith went to work at Riverdale High School (now known as Pierrefonds Community High School) and has been there as the Planning Room Counselor for a number of years.

Keith works with students of varying degrees who may be struggling to succeed in many forms yet Keith seems to have the ability to connect with so many students on various levels and the students love him!

They even call him sir when I've been there which is funny as he's the younger Mills!!!!

But Keith is not limited in terms of his giving to the community, people and students in general.

For many years, Keith was my Friday Night director of our youth center as well as a counselor, adult sponsor, video producer among the many things he did very well.

Keith even ran the youth center as a volunteer leader for 2 years while holding down his regular job at the high school.

Keith has been in the Big Brother program in the West Island for a number years in the summer helping teenagers.

But Keith has other interests that keep him hopping.

Keith is the president of a Men’s hockey league that we play in and has been for many years. Keith is still a very good hockey player and does a great job managing the league. (I miss playing as we are in this holding pattern of a lockdown since October; hopefully, the New Year will bode well for getting back on the ice)

Keith is also a Hockey Canada federated referee and is a great one! We actually referee in a couple of the same leagues and when we get to do 2 man assignments, always a lot of fun and to keep learning a few things from a great veteran of the refereeing fraternity.

Maybe you didn’t know this but Keith is a trumpet player, having played in the Evangel Church orchestra for 30 plus years, if you went to Lakeshore camp or Convention at Queens University, You know that Keith played in the Lakeshore Band for many years.

Keith also was a member of the singing group, "The Messengers II". No albums but quite a group!!!!

Keith also played in a couple of gospel bands, jazz band and like myself, had the crazy privilege of closing the Montreal International Jazz Band on the Main stage back in 1995! Still brings goosebumps when I think of it!!!

Being a fan of Keith is pretty easy: It also doesn’t hurt that Keith is a long suffering Michigan Wolverines fan and 6 time Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots fan! Nothing else needs to be said!

I think that of all the things that Keith is that is of quality and lasting impact is the great dad that he is.

He would be the sports dad to his daughter Hannah who is a figure skater, baseball player with former lists being a softball player, swimmer, drummer and so much more!

Lots of early mornings, late afternoons, evenings but these moments matter just as much if not more taking the time to help in the formation and life skill development of his family.

A loving husband, father also to Jordan and with his school and community involvement, Keith, like many others would say that this should be just part of the deal and that’s what unsung heroes do!

They do what they do because it matters and we win when unsung heroes do what they do!

We salute you Keith and thank you for all that you do, your commitment to your family, community, your craft and expertise!

It is clear and obvious that those you come in contact with are left better for knowing you!!

Oh yes, can we can the Patriots into the playoffs please???????


These unsung heroes aren’t doing what they do for glory, grandeur or accolades but we need to be thankful because they help make our days, weeks, months better and we are truly better for having them in our lives!

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