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Forward Friday… Walking In The Land Of Broken Glass.. The Problem With Pain

It’s hard….. something or someone reminds us of that thing that was/is a thorn in our side, the moments when life seemed to crash down on us or still is……..

It’s like we’re walking on broken glass and sometimes, it just seemed or still seems like that’s all we’re walking on.

And it doesn’t help that this past 18+ months has acerbated some of those feelings.

Maybe it’s the isolation in the many forms it’s taken to have caused many to be more inward thinking of the things that have been painful more than we normally would have.

Over the next few posts, we’re going to look at some possible remedies to some of the pain(s) that we have/are dealing with.

Forward Friday is a walk together as we figure out how to journey towards healing, freedom from whatever those things were/are that we have struggled with when it comes to the problem of pain.

Nothing that’s new but we need encouragement now more than ever. And maybe, just maybe, we might see some clarity for the past, present and future because well…..walking on broken glass is never any fun but we might just find some (proverbial) shoes that protect us as we walk the journey of life we are on…. And something I’m thankful for is that I don’t walk the road on my own…. Besides the friends and family I/we have, My/Our heavenly Father is with me/us!!

Let’s Get into This!

Pain, I don’t think anyone will admit that we like pain. Pain hurts, pain stings, pain can be debilitating, pain can be devastating, pain can be extremely distressing, yet pain can also be a teacher too.

It almost sounds like an oxymoron but because we are in the class called life, sometimes, if we look back on a moment or period of life we walked through, we can see something that could be of help from those painful episodes that help us for the future.

Even as the Bible says, we can comfort those in their time of need. Not exactly what we want to have to hear but we all have those moments and if there could be something to hold on to in the walking on broken glass roads, then we should look for the hope in the moments.

So, some tried and true help ideas for when we deal with the problem of pain.

It Could Be Journal/Writing

Writing about pain can be very powerful and help to actually release some of the emotions connected to those painful moments.

I have found that allows us to mentally think about and process our feelings while we are “expressing” them, by writing, which can, in turn, release them and encourage the healing process.

As much as I’m expressive, when it comes to pain, I’ve found that I’ve been bottled up and writing over the years has helped me to release a lot of the pain and tension that pain caused.

For me, writing is an expressive release that while symbolic has great power in helping me to push out those things which caused me pain.

It Could Be Creative (Speech)

When I was in one of my sessions with my therapist, I said that I decided that I would speak to those who had wounded me in our spare bedroom.

At first glance, did I hire an agency to dig up phone numbers and emails to find people or was I going on a drive with different check points of the painful broken glass places?

It occurred to me that one of my giftings has/is the ability to speak. In my case, the pains caused/created was this seemingly inability to utter/speak what was like a dredge of sludge in my emotions, heart, soul.

So I decided to speak to those who hurt me, those situations that caused me such pain as if they were in the room with me.

It became a freeing experience…. It wasn’t a onetime thing and it did take some time to process it all as it was a very emotional experience but the good it has done is immeasurable.

Maybe it’s not speech but there could be some creative expression that helps us as we work the problem of pain. Try something that works for us..

It Could Be A Healthy Support System

I have found having a social and emotional outlet is important. Whether it be a friend(s), at times therapy, support systems matter as we were never designed to walk this road of life alone.

Which I think has created greater anxiety, pain, frustration in this 18+ plus months because of some of the isolation moments that seemingly took the air out of so many.

While there is a time to listen, being able to speak and get out what’s on the inside has benefits in our healing process.

It Could Be Exercise

Man, do I see this as a big help on the path to healing. I think that as a sports guy, parts of 2 years where so much was shut down really affected me as I couldn’t play hockey or ref or other things.

We started walking at the time because that couldn’t be shut down and eventually, other things began to come back and open up!

There is great statistical substance for movement and exercise in helping our minds and emotions.

It's important not to discount how important it is to get out and do something like walking, going to the gym, biking etc.

Even for those of us who are not exercise inclined, even kicking into a 20 minute walk around the neighborhood could be a great place and start to get our body moving but especially our minds to begin directionally moving in a positive manner.

Looking Forward In The Land Of Broken Glass

It is so important in the process that we do not get stuck in the negative spin cycle forever.

It’s essential to keep moving forward.

Yes, we have to always allow ourselves time to heal because this is an extremely difficult process and there is no time limit on how each painful moment runs its course if it ever does.

But it is also important that we are working toward progress and looking for a future time when these emotions do not weigh heavily on us like they once did.

It could help to think about the future and set some goals as we move forward through and past the painful moments we’ve experienced.

The action of thinking about the future can be helpful. When we are overwhelmed with difficult feelings in the moment, it can be hard to think about the future or even picture a time when we aren’t experiencing this emotional pain.

So it’s a challenge, but a focused one that can actually be quite helpful. I know in doing some of this even recently, it has definitely helped the healing process.

So, Some Good Medicine

So sometimes, we’re mad at God for we wonder why He didn’t stop the pain. I’ve asked the question at times over the pain moments but a wise person once said that if His Son wasn’t spared a cruel death which was for our healing and deliverance, then we will have the painful moments…

But… because of that suffering, we know who to go to for in our times of need.

So here are some scripture verses to help us in our times of need.

I’m thankful for these hope filled, life giving scriptures……

He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.

The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time. For the Lord protects the bones of the righteous; not one of them is broken!

I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.

In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.

Working Through Pain Is Never Easy.

We need to find healthy activities, coping mechanisms that will promote our healing in a positive way. We are all different and the situation(s) that we experience are very different; therefore, the coping strategies and personal preferences will also be different.

There is no one size glove fits all solution but the principles are the same.

We need to step out on the Road Of Broken Glass with the "Shoes" that work well for us and stick to them. Not only to protect us but help us move forward on the road to health.

It takes time to heal so let’s not give up right away. Even on the Road Of Broken Glass, healing can come and we will get through those moments.

Walking on the road with you……


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