So We went canoeing in the Wekiva State park this summer in Orlando. As we were going through the waterways, my friend Dale casually mentioned that there could be alligators in the water but not to worry; they don’t like noise.. okay, nice to know. Now the water was clear for the most part but….
But some years earlier, we were in the Florida everglades on a fan boat… we went into this swampy marsh and until the boat stopped, all that could be seen was “Murky Waters”. But when the boat stopped, after about 30 seconds, 8 pairs of eyes emerged from the green marsh water and surrounded the boat.
One 8-foot gator tried to climb into the boat, but the metal was too slippery and we finally left but…. It was crazy...
Forward Friday looks at how murky attitudes and behaviors can quickly derail our attitude of gratitude living. It’s an amazing thing how the little things in life can mess up the good things in our lives. But there is good news medicine today so we can overcome and allow gratitude to set the pace in our lives!!
Let’s Get Into This!

I didn’t forget: here are 5 things I’m thankful for today.
I’m thankful that Jesus loves me unconditionally
I’m thankful that my wife still likes me.. even when I’m my nutty self.
I’m thankful for the friends who speak into my life consistently.
I’m grateful that I woke up this morning with the opportunity to accomplish good things today.
I’m grateful for my family heritage.
It’s amazing to think of the things we can and should be grateful for on a dally basis but many times, life, circumstances, people stand in our way.
We can forget that we do have blessings in our life if we can try to push past the “noise” of discontent, disenchantment, hurt, frustration that comes to clog our lives.
I also want to say to those who, right now are suffering because of a recent loss of family, friend, sickness, a catastrophic event or situation, it’s a hard thing to see at times the good, the blessings, the grateful moments in our lives.

I know that when mom and dad passed away, lived through some other very difficult circumstances, there were times that it didn’t seem like the sun was shining or would ever shine again….
If that’s you, while it seems like it’s dark and only dark, sometimes, we need to raise our eyes to see past the trees of pain because as hard as some things are, there are things that we can be grateful, even if it’s one thing.
Amazingly enough, it’s wild to think that there are some things that can stifle us and cut off gratitude from us.
Things Like:

Life is interesting; we won’t go through life without dealing with some kind of hurt or disappointment. Those we think would never let us down did or we’ve done things we wish we had a do over for.
It’s amazing how those hurts, disappointments can grab us hard if we’re not on guard and those unresolved moments almost always lead to bitter waters or those murky waters.
The Bible says that bitterness latches into us like a root and just like a root, it can plant deep into our souls and spirits. And like any plant given the opportunity, it can grow and flourish.
Bitterness almost always assuredly brings all sorts of troubles.
There are so many people that come to mind who never dealt with the past and the past is now controlling their present with an eye on continually disrupting their future.
But There Is Always Good News Medicine…

The first thing that comes to mind that helps to eliminate bitterness is the heartfelt action of forgiveness.
I’ve seen in my life that sometimes, the biggest culprit I need to forgive is myself.
Sometimes, I was upset that I carried the heavy weights of hurts and struggles for far too long and I was weighed down by guilt.
It’s not easy, equally as much as forgiving others or a circumstance or a situation that really caused us pain.
But Grace is a wonderful thing.
God has so much grace for us and just like He wants to forgive us of our mistakes and help us get back on the right path of life for us, He wants us to do the same.
The ability to:
Forgive Others
Forgive The Moment/Circumstance
Forgive Ourselves
The wonderful thing about forgiveness in relation to bitterness is that when we do, the restoration of the heart, mind and soul begins.
Here’s Something To Consider Doing:
With the help of God:

I will not allow bitterness to keep me bound and tied up.
I will make it my purpose to forgive others the way Jesus forgave me.
I make the decision to forgive my past sins, indiscretions and mistakes. I will pull out every root of bitterness that would try and find a resting place in my heart.
Just because we are in pain doesn't mean that gratitude stops existing.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
How does that even work? Is the writer saying we must be all good when it seems to be all bad?

There is a major difference between being thankful for every situation in life and being thankful in those situations. The challenge is to find reason(s) to be thankful even in the worst of struggles.
There is no suggestion that we should be thankful for a death, a job loss, a serious situation, harmful circumstance.
Rather, it’s a call to find something(s) to be thankful for amid the hardship.
Billy Graham said, “Nothing turns us into bitter, selfish, dissatisfied people more quickly than an ungrateful heart. And nothing will do more to restore contentment and the joy of our salvation than a true spirit of thankfulness.”
The Things I Think….
Every so often, I think of some of the traumatic events that I’ve gone through in my life. I’m not reliving them by any stretch, but I look and realize how much more of a mess I would have been in had I kept a grudge or held hate in my heart. Those Murky Waters...

I say all that to say, that by the same token, I put up borders where those who created the harm are no longer in my life to cause further harm or are at arm's length and I am wiser now than in the past.
No Hatred, No Bitterness, No Resentment but I am fully aware that I need not be subject to anything that is beneath where I’m living in every area of my life.
I’m much better for it and I am grateful for the peace I have in my life!!
Let’s work towards clearing up any murky waters in our lives so we can see, live and breathe clearly!!

P.S. At the end of the trip in the Everglades, we had the chance to hold a baby alligator; I passed and Kelly gleefully rose to the occasion... I’m still good just to have taken the photo!! I don't like Gators!!