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  • Writer's pictureMillsman

Forward Friday.. We’re Worth It… Potential is In Us… Stop Being Afraid!!

Forward Friday is an encouragement to know that we are loved. Period. We are worth enough to not let circumstances, problems, even opposition stop us from taking active steps to see great things happen in our lives, no matter the season, age or time we find ourselves in and as always, there’s good news medicine at the end!!

Let’s Get Into This!

I’ve been asked if I was hoping I’d get some thumbs up and high fives for posting some of my workout pictures and videos….

The reason is to encourage us that even with some hindrances, we can still move forward.

I’ve been having some knee/shoulder issues (sports related) but I determined that my health and strength is more important than to complain about the problems to slow down, stop and become defeated.

So, when you see these little clips, my working out moments could be someone else's translation thing(s) that we’ve left on the side because for whatever reason…….

It could be that course that will open up new windows…

It could be that volunteering opportunity that changes not only our lives but others…

It could be taking control of our health which could lead to other blessings...

It could be that venture that we have been putting off that needs cognition for something good to happen..

There is nothing new under the sun so these little ideas are to help us not think in generalities but to activate the good things inside of us.

Here Are But A Few:

Think About Something(s) We Want To Do: It’s A Goal


Maybe it’s time not to say things like “I want to live up to my full potential in this area of life”, but a more specific thought progression would be “I want to become a consummate (referee; healthy, strong athlete, baker, volunteer) Fill In Your Blank that I can be.” Becoming more specific helps shape where we want to and are going.


We should be able to measure our progress towards whatever that thing is.

It’s much easier to measure progression on the road we are on than trying to measure our progress by living up to our “full potential”.


Was a dream I had for a long time. Food and cooking is something that I was doing but to actually make it a reality needed another step.

Making it real by doing all the little steps, treating every event (large or small) as a command performance and believing that by being faithful to the potential in the dream, good things would happen and they are.

Little by little....... and you know what? It's still a work in progress but we are worth it to push forward!!

It Is Possible

Whatever we are doing, those things should get us closer to where we are going while at the same time be achievable. Success builds on success, so as to motivate us to continue on our journey.

I refereed when I was in my 20’s but stopped when I started working in the school system.

11 years ago, I said to my brother Keith that I wanted to get back into refereeing and I have and who would have thought that years later I would have officiated a Canadiens alumnae game at the end of this past summer!!!!

Interestingly enough, my goal in this year’s referee cycle is to become a better communicator with players, coaches etc.

Metric: next week, before a game with a certain team, I will work on a very directed conversation because of a situation that happened this week.

This will be a levelling up moment in my progression in this area of my officiating life. Can’t wait….

Write It Down:

This weekly blog is a written testament to myself that my blogging/writing is not a pipe dream but a reality.

While it’s not a crime to dream, there must come a moment where we need to believe we are worth moving forward in that dream.

So that it’s not just wishful thinking and makes it more real.

Writing down whatever it is increases our belief that we are able to realize them – no matter how big or small.

The Bible even says in Habakkuk 2:2-3 God answered: “Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming.

But let’s be honest, sometimes, we are not quite sure we are worth it..

But Here’s Some Good Medicine For The Weekend!

My self-worth is measure in how God sees me and I know that He loves me.

My ability to develop Dave is rooted in God’s freedom-giving mercy towards me (us).

My identity is that of a child of God because of what Jesus did for me (us).

My/Our spiritual inheritance is one of forgiveness, an intimate relationship with Jesus, and hope of spending all eternity with God

I am assured of God’s unconditional love, and of the intimacy, security, and hope we find in him.

So while I must activate action by doing something to develop my potential, my worth is grounded in what God has already accomplished through Jesus.

What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you’ll have it all—life healed and whole. 1 Peter 1:3-4

Last Takeaway:

For many, our idea or concept of how God thinks about us has come through a skewed lens or how his depiction has been disseminated to us.

We have interpreted through those lenses and dissemination that He's always angry, a stick it to us old man, looking to wreak havoc on us for any little thing we did or didn't do...

But the Good News Is This.....

God Is Good...

God Actually Loves Us...

God Breathes Life Into Potential To Help See Those Dreams Come About...

God loves us not so much because we are so worthy, but because He is God and we are a fixture in His mind.

No matter what, no matter when, God’s love for us is unconditional.

God Knows We Are Worth It! He wouldn’t have sent Jesus if it was otherwise…

So…. We are worth it and because of that, take a chance on growing our potential!!

Let’s move together into an exciting, exhilarating walk!


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