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  • Writer's pictureMillsman

I Hate Coffee….. Connection Plus a few other things... Forward Fridays...

I hate coffee… there I said it… Well, maybe not hate coffee but I love to bother those who do

Well, maybe not hate coffee but I love to bother those who do. Especially my wife… I call her addicted because well, we have coffee beans in our house from almost every corner of the world. I’m surprised Juan Valdez doesn’t have custom drop offs at our house every month…. Okay, stretching it a little….

I marvel at all the different coffee combinations at coffee shops like Starbucks, Second Cup, even Tim’s etc…….. Although real connoisseurs will tell you that Tim’s is just coffee… What does that even mean?? Anyways..

I’ve also noticed over the past number of years that coffee shops have become more than just a place to get a coffee.

Companies, businesses, meetings of many kinds have made these establishments a new conference room option of sorts.

Even community groups of many kinds have made it a habit or point to have a lot of their meetings at coffee shops.

Someone recently said that coffee shops have become the new social gathering place, that the community hall, the church basement, the meeting place that everyone would go to get the latest news, connect with friends slowly has shifted to these “new” gathering places.

Maybe because the atmosphere is conducive to making and growing connections because they do sell more than coffee and what better way than to connect over something to eat and drink.

Which leads me to connections….
I am always taken by the fact if we were really honest, we look for and need the interaction of connection with someone.

I mean, what good is it if we paint a picture, craft a vase on a pottery wheel if we can’t share it with someone?

I have a song but no one to share it with, a new recipe but no one to test it out with, I bought a new tennis racket but no one to work out with.

Connections matter because as we grow a friendship, we tend to grow. I know, I know we can point to being burnt somewhere along the road of life but if we decide to turtle and stay in our cocoon, we miss out on the beauty of learning something from a connection.

I know, I know we can point to being burnt somewhere along the road of life but if we decide to turtle and stay in our cocoon, we miss out on the beauty of learning something from a connection.

I’m not fond of bees because I do not want to be stung but we need honey bees because they cross pollinate various plants and this pollination is crucial for the life of fruit, plants, flowers etc.

We can learn something from others in the cross pollination of relationships.

We can learn something from others in the cross pollination of relationships. Even some people who may not our favorites, there can always be something for us to learn from.

Have you ever had a boss, a co-worker and their conduct is such that you without realizing it, take stock of their behaviors, mannerisms, reactions and begin making mental notes of how you will handle situations, treat people because you paid attention to connection details in those less than desirable situations?

We were made for each other; we were made for interconnection….

So when I think of connections, it reminds of a story from a few years ago.

So I’m at the Olympic basin, invited by a friend to try out dragon boat racing and it was very interesting.

Not to bore with too many details but there were 5 simple instructions I needed to know to try and make the experience a decent one.

1. V-stretch

2. Paddle in the water to start in front.

3. Row Roar together

4. Technique (pretty good at first-then off, not always hitting it but not giving up)

5. Encouragement

As I walked away from the Olympic basin that evening, I realized that in 90 minutes, I rowed 15,000.00 meters, never having done anything like that before but because of the joy of relationship, working together, working on technique, getting and giving encouragement instead of being slammed for bad technique, I helped a racing team go through their paces in preparation for some big races they are about to get into in a few weeks’ time.

And I’m thinking, what would happen if we took the same approach to relationships?

What would happen if we took the same approach to relationships?

Some thoughts about working at and developing connections in a positive way.

Wise are those who look at others with the same generosity they offer themselves, and who look at themselves with the same critical eye they have for others.

To “let there be real harmony,” allow for no “divisions” and “be of one mind, united in thought and purpose” does not require everyone to believe exactly the same. There is a difference between having opposing viewpoints and being divisive. A connected friendship/group of people will not completely agree on every issue, but they can work together harmoniously if they can learn to agree on what truly matters

Some wise sayings from Ecclesiastes:
This is the case of a man who is all alone, without a child or a brother, yet who works hard to gain as much wealth as he can. But then he asks himself, “Who am I working for? Why am I giving up so much pleasure now?” It is all so meaningless and depressing.
Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one; they get a better return for their labor. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But people who are alone when they fall are in real trouble.
And on a cold night, two under the same blanket can gain warmth from each other. But how can one be warm alone?
A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

Connections really matter: even if I Hate Coffee……. Maybe I’ll try the White Chocolate with shaved chocolate and whipped cream!


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