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  • Writer's pictureMillsman

It's Christmas Eve: Better To Give Then Receive.....

As we are about to walk into Christmas day, I am reminded of the many times my parents would say that it was more blessed to give then receive. Sometimes, I thought they were missing something but they were planting an idea that would be part of their DNA that I hope has become mine.

Sometimes, I thought they were missing something but they were planting an idea that would be part of their DNA that I hope has become mine.

Through the life of my parents, I began experiencing, undeniably and first hand, the exuberance, joy, freedom and excitement of giving.

Even though we didn't have much growing up, my parents gave to those in need and those who needed a pick me up because they were in need of encouragement.

So let's be grateful for the blessings we receive in the ways they come but maybe this holiday season and into 2019, we will be focused on lightening the load of others, bringing joy and hope to those who are in need of a pick me up.

I read this the other day and it spoke to me and may it be an encouragement to you not only now but as we move forward into the future.

It runs counter to what our culture teaches. But to notice, to care, to love, to serve, to offer our strength to others, to give, to live for others, is actually what brings us the purpose and significance, the peace and joy we’ve been looking for everywhere else. It’s how we actually get to fully-alive and what-you’ve-always-dreamed-of kind of stuff.

Merry Christmas and the very best in 2019!!!

The best is yet to come....


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