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Memories: Made From The Moments We Make: Forward Friday Thoughts

24 Hours: What Are You Doing With Yours………

So we just got back from our family reunion in Bermuda and it was incredible. This was planning in the making for 2 plus years and as one could imagine, the details to pull off an event like this were enormous.

My cousin, Antonia, who was the chief organizer hit a home run of a reunion and almost 170 family members came from far and wide to Bermuda to celebrate the Mills Clan.

The crazy thing about it was that for as long as the building of momentum leading up to the event was exciting, within 5 hours, it was over.

So what was/is it that we had, when it was all said and done? The Memories of the event; of meeting cousins that we didn’t know we had and renewing relationships with the ones we have always been close to.

Don’t get me wrong; it was spectacular and while pictures don’t tell the whole story, they do say a lot.

We had 2 3rd generation Mills members there; 94 yrs old and 92 yrs old to be exact and family that traveled from St. Kitts, and the US and of course, the Montreal, Canada Contingent.

But as we were coming home on the plane, it occurred to me that just as quickly as the reunion came, it went and it made me think of how and what are we doing daily to make great memories from the moments we make?

When we were hosting conferences, we used a countdown video that used the popular 24 TV series concept of how were people using their 24 hours to their benefit daily...

So, a few ways to make the best of the 24 hours we get the privilege of waking up every day to, to make a difference in our world.

Maybe we should take a cue from the always angry, always contentious person and decide that we need not have to always entertain continual battles; especially the battles that separate us from the ones we love, we work with, the ones who should matter the most.

We can’t do anything about yesterday because it’s over and done. Tomorrow hasn’t shown up yet but we do have today. Let’s go; people are waiting on us!!!

If there was one thing that the reunion drove home to me again was that time was/is precious and we can’t waste our time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges.

Because life is so precious, we’ve got to figure out a way to work through the negatives so we can enjoy and not endure life.

As I was on the plane and flying over the Atlantic, I thought about how the time I invested last weekend with my family and cousins was time well spent and worth the investment and sacrifice to get to Bermuda. The memories will last a lifetime, that’s for sure.

I suppose I also was thinking about the memories some people were/are making that become destructive, damaging, tearing apart what was once vibrant and life giving. That suck the energy out of the things that life once grew out of.

That suck the energy out of the things that life grew out of.

What kind of memories are we making out of the time we have?

The moments, even the smallest ones matter even when we think it least………

The moments, even the smallest ones matter even when we think it least………

If we are struggling because the moments we are creating are causing us more nightmare like memories, then we need to consider shifting what we do and how we do it.

And if there are those in our life that are sucking the life out of our moments, then it could be time to make some adjustments there also.

It just might be time to Change Our 24 Hours So We Can Change The Memories We Make.

The Bermuda Memories will live on and as the motto of the weekend suggested, the roots run deep!

To better memories


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