So this past week, we remembered mom and in our Forward Friday, we took time to give thanks for Mom’s life.
Did you know: mom was run over by a car but came away unscathed without a scratch. A little shaken but came away grateful for life.
Mom loved playing sports with her boys; even in her famous pencil suit!! (Fav Pic)
So we tried to do some things to remember mom and this is a little of what happened.

Wednesday afternoon, we went to the cemetery with our lawn chairs, a Fresca and it was a beautiful afternoon.
Even some Bees came bumbling along and maybe, it just felt like mom wanted us to know that we weren’t alone that day.
It just felt like mom wanted us to know that we weren’t alone that day.

Thursday, we helped out at a school, neighborhood community afternoon. Mom and dad always had young people close to their hearts and it seemed like a good way to give back and honor mom’s memory by serving a community that was reaching out to children and families in their community. Mom would have liked that.
Saturday evening, we spent the evening at the restaurant that we celebrated mom’s 93rd and 94th birthday party celebrations and while it was a little weird, it was good to celebrate with some friends.

While we were there, mom’s third son (as she would say), my friend Dale from Orlando called and it seemed like old times and I could hear mom wondering why I’m going outside to take a call. Of course, because she loved Dale so much, I would be allowed to take that call!
While those moments were special, of the many responses to Friday’s blog, the ones that stuck out the most were those whose lives were touched by mom and those who decided that they needed to connect or re-connect with family.
Even those who have had family members leave the earth have decided that they need to make peace with the past so they could move forward.
I think mom would love it if in her memory, change for good, change for the better, releasing of pain, and bitterness, making amends, families growing closer.
We still miss her but hearing from many who have experienced the love of “Bumble Bea” makes it a little more bearable not having her here.

A friend sent me some encouraging thoughts this week that warmed my heart and here are a few!!
When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.
The moments we share are the moments we keep forever
While death leaves a heartache that takes a long time to heal, the love of our loved one leaves a memory no one can steal.
I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid

Miss my mom the Legend!!!!
#MotivationalMonday #momwouldhavebeen95 #thankyou #memories #grateful #blog #speaker #wishIhad5moreminutes #joy #Godlywoman #Knowledge #hopeful #peace #forgiveness #charm #grace #funfilled #mom
