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  • Writer's pictureMillsman

More Than a Dreamer..... Dreams Need To Come Alive..

A few years ago, I gave a talk about where are the dreamers at a conference. It was a talk about dreaming and visioning about what our futures could look like if we dreamed big enough dreams… What gifts do we have to help make a dream come alive?

What gifts do we have to help make a dream come alive?

Having thought about it for some time, I’ve come to recognize that while the first step is capturing creative thoughts and keeping them in our minds, there is a push it forward element that also needs to play out when it comes to dreams.

I talked about the second part but not as much as I should have because that’s where the action happens. In the “Push It Forward” phase.

That’s where the action happens. In the “Push It Forward” phase.

It’s been said before that every dream is created twice. The first creation, construct, concept is mental. Every invention, every business, every piece of art, building is formed/birthed in the right brain imagination first.

It’s just a thought and we need a thought to get going… The second creation is the physical, hit the ground part.

It reminds me of when I was running the youth center/youth group at the church I worked at a number of years ago.

We had just moved into a warehouse style center and I had a thought of what the spaces could look like. I even drew up some idea plans but I wasn’t sure if it could work.. Until I went to Chicago for a conference and saw at the conference center exactly what I had been dreaming about. Their youth center, while bigger had the same elements that I had been dreaming about. Once I saw that, then I knew with some blood, sweat and tears, it could be done and with some assistance, our center was born but it is to take it from the idea from single cell to physical state.

Once I saw that, then I knew with some blood, sweat and tears, it could be done

What is it that you dream about? Maybe writing a book of some sort; the keyboard is your physical creation.

If it’s dreaming to play a professional sport, then the gym and being coach able is your physical creation.

If it’s dreaming to make music, then the physical creation is one note at a time.

Our dreams will never exceed our imagination. Another often held comment is that we cannot achieve what we don’t believe. To generate ideas is important but to execute the idea, thought, dream is where the rubber meets the road.

To generate ideas is important but to execute the idea, thought, dream is where the rubber meets the road.

I love to think and like to be around thinkers because they cause me to think and their ability to strategize/design/ plan is awesome..

But there is something about doers that push, inspire me to act. To make things happen, doers push out the plan…

But there is something about doers that push, inspire me to act. To make things happen, doers push out the plan…

For those whose faith drives our lives, we believe that the dreams we see in our minds eye of any sort our Divinely inspired and at the end of our life’s journey, we want to hear “Well done, good and faithful” and not “well thought out or well planned”.

To set a goal(s) is exciting but it is to get after it and see it blossom is something else.

Without perspiration to match our inspiration, our dream birthed in the imagination will turn into a dream delayed.

What do you need to start?

What are we waiting for?

Maybe it’s a diet (or really a life change or switch when it comes to healthy living)

Maybe it’s going back to school, starting a business. Whatever it is, the hardest part of finishing most times is starting…

I am thankful for the push that caused me to begin blogging and pushing this website out.

It started with a thought, an idea but then it was to begin…

It’s taken some twists and turns but each week, I am reminded to keep moving the chains down the field.

There is another dream that is in my mind’s eye and I am recognizing that this dream needs legs so I am going to push to see where it leads but push I must.

So, going after a dream is like riding a bike or starting to run/jog; we’ve got to get a little momentum to really get going. Where do we stand on the path to implementing our Divine given dream/thought/idea?

Maybe this is the push day!

For The Dreamers and Doers


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