We’re back with the final Motivational Monday Awkward Conversations Quarantine 2020, video series.
We recap the questions that were asked and many of you who messaged me asked to wrap up by retracing our steps to the questions asked as we have been going through this period of unrest in our communities and nations.
We answer the questions:

Should I Feel Guilty For Being White?
Preferences And Biases
Should We Defund The Police?
Why Can Black People Use The N Word And White People And Others Cannot?
Black Lives Matter Black Lives Matter?

Do You Really Feel That Relationships Are The Key To Breaking The Racial Divide? Who’s Coming To Your House? Hospitality
You may not agree with all you may hear but it’s important to think, to take time to process and see if there could be some changes or adjustments we need to make.
I believe that change can happen but we must all take a look inside to see how we make our neighborhoods, communities better.
For everyone’s sake, we, including me can be better!
#MotivationalMonday #AwkwardConversations #Quarantine2020 # #DefundThePolice #BlackLivesMatterBlacklivesMatter #CanTheNWordBeUsedAnytime #FosterChange #Questions #Wisdom #NoFear #CourageToConnect #Change #FosterChange #Blog #Speaker #Reconciliation #Connections #Hope #BuildingBridges #BreakingBarriers