We're back for another round of awkward conversations in the Quarantine and today, we answer 2 hot button questions that have been asked. Click on the video below and have a listen.
Whether we agree or not is not as important as having lucid, reasonable, healthy discussion and discourse. It seems as though our society has lost the ability to have legitimate conversation without rage, anger, malice getting in the way.
But the time has come for those conversations to happen with calm, clarity and honesty.
1. Should The Police Be Defunded?
It's important to be level headed about big decisions because if those decisions are made with emotions taking the lead, then we could be in for some surprises that we didn't plan on. We're looking at some remedies and not just the usual frustrated responses or old answers.
2. Why Is It That Black People Can Use The "N" Word And White People And Others Cannot?
I think you'll find my response interesting.
As always, if you have a question that you would like me to look at or you have some follow up to these questions or the other questions posed in the previous awkward conversation, feel free to reach out and I will do my best to answer them.
Don't forget to reach out to someone that you normally wouldn't; you may be surprised at what you may find; maybe the beginnings of a new connection!!
We Need Each Other!!
#MotivationalMonday #AwkwardConversations #Quarantine2020 #DefundThePolice #CanTheNWordBeUsedAnytime #Questions #Wisdom #NoFear #CourageToConnect #Change #FosterChange #Blog #Speaker #Reconciliation #Connections #Hope #BuildingBridges #BreakingBarriers