It’s Motivational Monday and We’re back for another round of Awkward Conversations, Quarantine 2020. In this episode, we answer questions like;
1. Role Models: Who Should They Be

2. Black Lives Matter-Black Lives Matter

3. Quick thoughts on Defund The Police.

While you may or may not agree with everything you hear, it is important to take the time to digest and see if there aren’t some angles you didn’t think about.
We can be better for the future; we just need be humble enough to look in the mirror and see if there aren’t changes, adjustments we must make individually to make a difference in our neighborhoods, communities and cities.
We can for sure!
Don't mind the green crocs; I guess I was feeling real comfortable!!
Don't forget to reach out to someone that you normally wouldn't; you may be surprised at what you may find; maybe the beginnings of a new connection!!
We Need Each Other!!
