So, it’s the beginning of a new week and there is a fair bit of rumbling wherever we find ourselves.
Governments, provinces, states, cities, counties etc. all beginning the arduous task of re-opening life back in all the forms that it is taking…
Let’s be honest; there’s a lot to like and a lot not to like on many fronts but for today’s thought, please be aware that words whether spoken in person or online have power and for many, the fraying and struggles are becoming more real, persistent, frustrating, tiresome and consequential in many directions.
Yes, some who are in this state are voicing their feelings in anger, frustration etc. and while it may feel good for a moment, we have our responsibility not to react and speak in kind.
It almost seems like some feel that because we are where we are in this pandemic, it gives us the right to say it how we feel it……
True, we can say whatever we want so to speak but really, how and who does it help?
It is clear that many are using the mediums they have available to them to shoot barbs, shots at who and what they don’t like and there is an old saying that goes, “your little dust, my little dust and “Enter Name's” little dust creates a “Dust Bowl”.
It creates a mess.
So for those of us who could use more encouragement rather than negative blasts, could we remember (we can pass this thought along to others too), if you decide to speak, type, tell Siri or Alexa what you want to say:
Is it beneficial?
Is it healthy?
Will it benefit the hearer or reader?
Will it promote good, uplift, cheer?
Before the thought crosses the mind that I am suggesting that we duck some of the issues that are on the table on many fronts currently, it is far from that.
I would say that too many posts/writings are clearly “Bents” that a person has that have no possibility of having civil discourse and when someone opposes what is written, it degenerates into a free for all and generally isn’t pretty to read or want to continue to try and dialogue.
There is a place for discourse and even there and might I say especially in those cases, the war mongering, hate filled rhetoric is not a good look..
I think we all can do better in that area but enough of that.
So here are some tried and true thoughts about Kindness in the area of how we speak and maybe as we are slowly moving from where we have been to where we are going, we could “Try” to have “Kind” as a type of a guide to what we say, how we say it and who we say it to.
Proverbs 15: 1 A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.
Or A gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire.
Be kind with your words; every person you meet, encounter could be fighting a battle you know nothing about.
You don’t have to agree on everything to be kind to one another.
Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.
Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see
Never lose or miss the chance of saying a kind word.
Kindness and politeness are not overrated at all. They’re underused
Proverbs 21:21 whoever goes hunting for what is right and kind finds life itself—glorious life!
When you’re kind to others, you help yourself; when you’re cruel to others, you hurt yourself.
The type of care and concern we need to consider having for others is neither boastful, pompous, mean-spirited, (I’m always right even when I’m wrong) but to be kind; this type of “Kind” action is never arrogant.
Siri, Alexa and the keyboards only push out what we tell it/them to say or write; this week is a good week to be more aware of what comes out of us…
May we can be people in the quarantine moments and coming out of this time that people are glad they know and want to be around.
Be Kind with our communication; whatever forms they take!!
I’m here with you on this one!!!
#MotivationalMonday #Kind #WordsMatter #Concernedwithwhatwesay #Concernedwithwhatwetype #Quarantinemoments #Blog #Speaker #Reflectionsinthepandemic #Hopeful #HelpingMoreThanHurting