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  • Writer's pictureMillsman

Motivational Monday.. Blind Spots Working On "The What Abouts" Accepting Responsibility is Serious..

Sometimes, we don’t always see the long-term effects of our behavior.

But the truth is, accepting responsibility – both personal and indirect – is a major factor in receiving the respect and admiration of those around us.

Accepting responsibility is not only the right thing to do, but it’ll pay more long-term dividends than we can now imagine.

Accepting Personal Responsibility

With respect to taking responsibility, here are a few helpful ideas as we work to phase out the "What Abouts"...

Own It

Take ownership of our own behavior and admit our mistake(s) or failure-to-act when we should have done so.

Apologize for It

Offer a sincere apology when we've messed up; that is a strength that is lost on many.

Make Things Right

Make amends or do what is needed, if possible, to correct what we have done;

As simple as these steps may sound, at times, they’re difficult steps to take. But accepting responsibility is powerful for us as people so we can grow!

Everyone wins when we do!

Here are some quotes and helpful thoughts to help start our week off right!!!

“Even when we know what is right, too often we fail to act.

The price of greatness is responsibility

We must consider taking personal responsibility. We cannot change the circumstance, the seasons, or the wind, but we can change our self. That is something we have charge of.

Sometimes, the default settings may be not the best of choices but we can change that.

The greatest gifts we can give the generations behind us are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence

With accepting responsibility, there are always choices and they’re almost always OUR choices to make. Good choices generally bring about positive results, and poor choices generally bring about the opposite. Owning and accepting responsibility for our own actions will ultimately determine the road we we travel on in this life we lead.

Here's to a better week!!


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