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  • Writer's pictureMillsman

Motivational Monday..Martin Luther King Jr. Day.. Wisdom And Brilliance Personified.....

It's Martin Luther King Jr. day and I thought that some of his quotes, sayings and thoughts had/have profound relevance for today.

They are worth sharing, thinking about and maybe taking even one and working towards a better society, world and yes, even a better us.

See What You Think:

With so much talk about education these days, the keys of learning to think and think critically were common themes for Dr. King. Not to indoctrinate but to teach people, young people how to think matter as much today as when his words were spoken.

A man of faith, Dr. King embodied taking steps of faith, even when he wasn't sure where the next step would lead.

Dr. King encouraged people to never stop moving forward. When we stop, we become immobilized.

Dr. King was all about the truth and that lies cannot live forever. In our day and time, lies have dealt our world deep blows; we would be best to consider turning to truths as opposed to the former.

Dr. King was a big believer that there always comes a time in every person's life when we must fight for what's right. Conscience dictates it; whether we answer the call is another thing.

Dr. King was a big believer that if we chose hate, it would pull us down to the level of those who caused us to even think that way.

Dr. King was a believer that we must figure out how to live in harmony or we would self destruct as a society.

Dr. King recognized that the oppressor in whatever forms that would play out would not just give up their hold on the ones they oppress; the oppressed needed/needs to stand up and demand their freedom. Seems like a good word for the past 20 months we've lived.

Dr. King was one who would not keep silent; we must stop being silent about things that really matter!!!

Dr. King said that where we stand in the not so easy times says more about us than when life is smooth sailing.

As we honor Dr. King's memory, it is important to not just pay platitudes to his wisdom and brilliance, we must consider how we can be different and make our society, communities a better place for all..


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