It’s a crazy and uncertain time we are living in yet it is in these moments where we can gain some perspective about life, our life and how that looks, gain strength even in the midst of chaos.
It would be and is so easy to go into panic mode because Covid-19 is throwing some big time curves at us in the way we live, move, connect.
And it is understandable.....
Yet, in every crisis, there is opportunity created on many fronts and if we can glimpse past the fear, the uncertainty that is present even for a minute, maybe we might see something that may have been looking at us square in the face but because life has suddenly grinded down to a seeming halt, we see something.

For me, there are a few things that I had kind of thought about lately but being away recently caused to me to realize that it was time to be more intentional about a few things.
There are a couple of books that have been sitting on the shelf; they come off today.. It's Just time..
That work out routine that has been waiting to get kicked in to gear; started today. (That time for me away trip was the ignition starter to stop laying out the excuse(s). It's Just time..
Some home little projects begin this week. It's Just time..
A little warmer and the bike/the walks will begin. It's Just time....
Growing my connection with God continues.. It's Just time..
Understandably, it is a upheaval time but if we can try and glimpse over the crisis even for a minute, there might be opportunity that is present to help us not only now but in and for the future.

Here are some encouraging quotes and thoughts to help start your week!
"Crises and deadlocks when they occur have at least this advantage, that they force us to think."
"Crises are part of life. Everybody has to face them, and it doesn't make any difference what the crisis is."
"Losing our head in a crisis is a way to enact another crisis."
"Never let a serious crisis go to waste. It's an opportunity to potentially do things we think we could not do before."
"Every difficulty we face, in every waiting place, we`ve being given the chance to trust in the things unseen and to be abundantly blessed."
“Laughter is good like a medicine, and that this is a time when we really could use some medicine.”
Keep the right perspective: it's all good. This boils down to trusting God.

For the opportunities....
#MotivationalMonday #ItsJustTime #Encouragingthoughts #LentFromTheInsideOut #GoodChange #Covid19 #Blog #Speaker #Hope #Itsturningaroundforme #whatmattersmost #makingtime #askingforhelp #strengthinthemiddleofchaos