So as we are nearing Christmas and all that it means, there have been some interesting moments that have occurred that gave me pause to think.....
Interestingly enough, sometimes, we don't get the response we would like when we do something kind for others but it is in that moment that we must consider why we do what we do.
If it is for the applause of men, then we might be put out when the response is not as it should be. But if our motives to do some kind of kindness is to bless someone, then good or bad responses does not deter us from kindness.
Observation #1
Last week, 2 of our schools that I work in created the Cup Cake initiative and their expressed interest was to deliver 14 dozen hand crafted cupcakes to be delivered to 2 women shelters in the area.

And why? because the statistics tells us that 1 in 4 children in Montreal go hungry in Montreal every day.
And even though the students couldn't fix the massive problem that those stats say, they could, during the season of the Advent do something kind for the women and children of those shelters.
So the result in the first delivery? If there was a song that could have been played when the door opened, it could have been "You're as cold as ice"...
The greeting was not only underwhelming but it seemed as though it didn't matter that these students who not only made the cupcakes but delivered them personally might as well have picked up some $1.99 factory made, store bought and sent it by courier... Even though they knew the delivery was coming.
What was awesome was that instead of being upset or angry, (the kids were at first wondering if they did something wrong) they were excited to get to the next shelter. And the reception was night and day in comparison.
The people were so captivated that teenagers would think of the marginalized to make some special treats to make a mother, a child's day.
I wonder what would have happened had the students and staff delivering the special treats packed it up after the first disappointment.
If the First Advent coming was any indication of what kindness would look like, then our students caught a little bit of it and the women and children benefited from it.

Observation #2
At another school, students had the opportunity to go to a senior's residence to spend a morning with some special seniors.
A couple of the students were not keen on going because as one said, "What can seniors do for you"?
One said, "What can seniors do for you"?
After an initial few awkward moments, the students warmed up and started to warmly interact with the seniors making Christmas cards, helping them write notes to their families and playing games with them.
The outgrowth: one of the students couldn't believe that some of the seniors never have anyone visit them even with family in the city.
Another said that they felt warm inside and didn't realize how much the 3 hours meant to the seniors.
They had lunch with them and came away wanting to come back... Why?
The seniors deserved special moments as much as anyone else and the students didn't realize until that day how powerful and meaningful a simple kindness could mean to someone....

I am convinced that we only know in part the power of the smallest kindness done and whether we get a thank you or not, we must, when the opportunity presents itself or an idea comes to mind to do, then do we must.
So, as the week starts, why not think of doing something kind; there are so many ideas, so many little things we can do to make a difference in someone's life.
You just never know what we could do to brighten someone's day in the season and spirit of the Advent!
Let kindness rule!!!
#MotivationalMonday #TheAdvent #Kindness #Christmas #Jesus #TheNotableOne #Blog #Speaker #DoSomethingKindForourselves #Donatetoashelter #PostAStickyNote #EveryLittleKindnessMatters #Careenoughtodosomethingnice #DoGood